Hilarious Take On Background Check Loopholes (VIDEO)

Sometimes when facts and logic don’t work, the only thing left is humor. The issue of gun control seems to have hit that point. One film maker decided to do just that. Instead of pointing out the serious problem of loopholes in the federal gun laws, the film satirizes the problem.? It shows two stereotypical drug dealers, an alcoholic man in his car, and a couple of scheming terrorists who are all frustrated by their inability to obtain firearms. The creator of the commercial, Schlepp Films, has a few other short films, and even a couple of “mockumentaries”, but they seem to have hit the gold on this one.

So the next time you come upon someone who is a 2nd Amendment pusher, stop arguing with them. Instead say, “I agree with you. Let’s stop fighting. Those silly laws are just wrong.” To seal the deal, share the link to this parody. When you’ve ventured into the realm of ridiculousness, this is the only option – humor them.

Edited by AEK