9 Crazy Tea Party Incidents Thanksgiving 2013 Edition


1) Our Tea Party Crazy Special Texas Edition?covered the address by President George W. Bush at the Messianic Bible Institute. Those are the fine folks who seek to convert Jews to Christianity so that they can bring on the end of days for everyone. ? And President Bush was a big player in moving hundreds of thousands towards their own personal end of days when he was President.?Now there is no doubt that President Bush was right when he said that there were??Evil Doers? out there in the world, and that following the Al Qaeda attack on the United States, the people responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the United States needed to be brought to justice.? Of course, attacking Iraq, on false pretenses, after going into Afghanistan, was not in furtherance of that goal.

Here is something from the wing nuts over at the WorldNetDaily, warning us that:

Global Islamic Upheaval Takes Toll On Christmas

There is no question that terrorists who take hostages in the name of Islam, demand that the hostages convert to Islam, and then slit their throats while videotaping the procedure which they then sell for $4.95, are gross, disgusting, and horrible human beings in need of the appropriate measure of justice.

But is there really that much of a difference between Christians who are actively working to convert the world to their brand of fundamentalism, and Islamists who do the same?? The ?War On Ramadan? video is coming soon.

2) Speaking of delusional right wing Christians and the Messianic Jews For Jesus:

Well here goes John Bolton, a former Bush Administration era U.S. Ambassador to the UN, proving why he is a full time danger to anyone listening to him.? Responding to the interim peace deal with Iran for the Conservative publication ?The Weekly Standard?, Bolton said that:

An Israeli military strike?is the only way to avoid Tehran’s otherwise inevitable march to nuclear weapons.

The world should know that when it comes to dealing with Iran, the only course of action that John Bolton and his Neo-Con friends offer is yet another long and intractable war with another Islamic State.? Thanks Iraq and for this faulty advice, but we will pass.? There always are alternatives to war and let’s give diplomacy and peace a chance.

3) Despite what the talking heads on the Fox News Channel would like us to believe,?there really isn’t any ?War On Christmas.” ?The GOP/Teabully Party, through the Koch brothers, has gifted us with the ?American Legislative Exchange Council?, otherwise known as ALEC. ? Through the influence of ALEC, States everywhere have given our country the ?Stand Your Ground Laws? used by maniacs from Florida to Michigan to murder innocent African American teenagers. ?ALEC has also been conducting the ?War On Democratic Constituents?Voting Rights? in Red States?everywhere.

So it comes as no surprise that first term Republican Governor Pat McCrory of North Carolina, makes this week’s list with a perfect ?10? in verbal gymnastics.? Governor McCrory has no problem responding to the public outcry to the new law passed by the gerrymandered North Carolina legislature, now in total GOP control, which has reduced the number of early voting days from 17 to 10 days.? McCrory doesn’t see it as voter suppression, which disproportionately effects African American voters and is a response to an alleged problem of voter fraud which does not exist.? No, according to Governor McCrory, it is simply “Compacting the calendar.”

Hey Governor, where is my two day work week?? The GOP/Teabully Party,? is at war with the working people of America.

4) Speaking of the work week, here is a travesty from the great State of Alabama where legislation has been introduced to eliminate over time pay.

Now Alabama already is a so called ?right to work? State.? But is the ultimate goal in these ?right to work? states really the right to work for nothing thus returning to slavery?

The GOP/Teabully Party is continuing the war on people who choose to vote for Democratic candidates.

5) This one really steams my bean.? I have been called out before for making the analogy to the American Taliban.? Still, I think there is truth in the analogy.? There are forces on the right that for years have distorted American history and the Constitution, to promote the false and dangerous idea that Republicanism, Conservatism, and Evangelical Christianity go hand in hand.

It has been said of the advocates of the false claim that the United States should be governed as a ?Christian Nation?, that:

The religious right has taken “Christianity” and used it as a dangerous weapon to mold young minds into thinking “Christianity” is what conservatives think it is. The United States is a democracy, not a theocracy.?While Republicans have distorted history, science and current politics, not all Christians think this way.

This blending of Conservative Republican politics with a particular interpretation of Christianity has resulted in the widening partisan political divide that we have today, because as to these people:

For them to dare question Republican talking points?is tantamount to questioning their belief in God.

The words ?God? and ?Jesus??do not appear anywhere in the Constitution of the United States.? The word ?Bible? does not appear in the Constitution? and the Founding fathers were quite adamant that political life of the new nation not be based on the ?Bible??or on any book of religion.?They expected religious life to be a private matter.? So much for the crowd that claims to love the strict construction of the Constitution and if it isn’t in the Constitution, it should not be allowed.

6) We have been covering Larry ?The Crazy Guy? Klayman, who last week held the less than overwhelming attended kickoff to the Second American Revolution.

While Klayman wisely chose his words carefully, he did appear to claim that God will help in the effort to overthrow President Obama.? Klayman said that:

So we must act alone, with the support of our Creator.

Mr. Klayman also said that President Obama is a tyrant:

Who is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

This clearly is a Teabully group that is at war with Democracy, with the President, and with the people of the United States.? And, note to Larry, we don’t have a ruler – we have a democratically elected chief executive.? Perhaps Mr. Klayman should reference the free downloadable ?isms? primer

This clearly is a Teabully group that is at war with Democracy, with the President, and with the people of the United States.? And, note to Larry, we don’t have a ruler – we have a democratically elected chief executive.? Perhaps Mr. Klayman should reference the free downloadable ?Isms? primer?available at LiberalAmerica.org.

7) Did you know that there is authority in the Constitution to shoot President Obama, or so said the ?Christian American Patriots Militia.?,?as reported by LiberalAmerica.org earlier this week??In a Facebook posting on November 19, 2013, the administrator of the group mixed presumed Constitutional violations by the President, with the 2nd Amendment rights of the people to create a fantasy justifying the use of a vigilante army to assassinate the President.

Dangerous stuff showing how there are Teabully faux patriots who are seditionists at war with the rule of law.? They really should know that there are laws against these kinds of threats, for which there can be serious consequences.

8) And one guy has been arrested for a verbal threat made outside of a Post Office in Wisconsin.? An 81 year old white male, fan of Rush Limbaugh, presumed to be a birther, and hater of the Affordable Care Act, is facing Federal felony charges.? The man reportedly said:

If President Obama was here I would shoot him right there and kill him right now.

The man’s wife of almost 57 years did recently pass away, and our hearts go out to the man.? But, the threat made outside the United States Post Office, and a Facebook posting by the man that??we need to throw the Muslim in the White House, OUT?, just cannot be excused.? It is submitted that this is proof that the GOP/Teabully media propaganda machine has been at war with the President of the United States since he took office in 2009.? Their lies are provided for the purpose of promoting the kinds of acts committed by people like the accused in this case.

9) The Supreme Court is going to again decide if corporations are people too.? A case is now before the Court where private corporations are claiming that the First Amendment freedom of religion should allow them to be exempted from the requirements of the ACA and to deny employees?employer provided health insurance policies that include coverage for contraceptives.

Corporations have cruelly and heartlessly been elevated to a position of priority over living and breathing people.? And the GOP/Teabully crowd continues to be at war with women.? They claim to care about women, but doesn’t it seem that what they really want is control and dominion over their vaginas?

This is dangerous territory that we are about to enter.? This particular Supreme Court majority has already once ruled that corporations are people for purposes of the First Amendment freedom of political speech through unlimited money.? And this particular Supreme Court majority just might side with their Teabully corporate masters, and join the war against the real people and the individual rights that they have slowly but surely been taking away.

Have a very fine and enjoyable Thanksgiving Holiday.? Perhaps consider making amends on behalf of the United States, and invite a real Native American to join you at the table this year. Or, you could just invite a present day undocumented immigrant to join in your celebration like the Native Americans did at the first Thanksgiving celebration way back when.

Edited/Published by: SB





I am the voice of my human parents. Dad, 59, mom 57, both retired lawyers. Dad worked privately as a personal injury lawyer in the Philadelphia, PA area before retirement. He has a BA in Political Science, a Masters in Secondary Social Studies Education and he did some public school teaching before retiring again. Mom also has a BA in Political Science and she spent her entire 33 year career working as an attorney for a US Defense Department Agency located in Philadelphia, PA. She spent the last four years of her career as the Chief Counsel. She retired in April of this year. I have two human brothers, both Graduates of the George Washington University. My older human brother is working his way up in Airport Management at the Philadelphia International Airport. My younger human brother is a Peace Corps veteran.