2 Students See Gay Couple Kiss In Public And Get Pissed For The Right Reasons

Screenshot from video below.
Screenshot from video below.

When I stumbled across a video George Takei shared last year as a guest curator on Upworthy, I knew it had to be worth watching. I wasn’t wrong either.

The video, a segment from the show What Would You Do? revealed some nasty truths about society in the South (not surprising). Since I don’t have cable, I personally had no clue what the premise of the show was. Pretty simple though. Hidden cameras in normal scenarios to watch how people truly react. So, the geniuses at the show decided to plant two male actors in a restaurant in the depths of Mississippi. They were asked to show each other public affection, and hidden cameras recorded other patrons’ reactions. Also, an actress was planted in the restaurant to call the gay couple out for, well, being gay.

Honestly, most of the reactions were expected (as much as I disdain them). Of course, that’s what I would expect to happen in a restaurant in MISS-UH-FREAKING-SSIPPI. There was even the classic Christian justification of, “In the Bible, it was Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve.” However, the most surprising, most epic, most (insert whatever adjective for amazing you want to use) part of this whole segment/social experiment is the POSITIVE reaction of two male college students getting pissed off for the actual right reasons. And yes, I cried…

You can watch the video below. I’ve embedded the video to start at the section where the college students make their appearance. Feel free to watch the entire video though because you totally should!