‘Morning Joe’ Hosts Blame Racist SAE Song On Black Rapper

Much discussion has been made about the video showing a racist chant from Sigma Alpha Epsilon members. Many acknowledge it as flat out racism and part of a larger problem in Greek Life and universities in general.

By Photobra Adam Bielawski via Wikimedia Commons
By Photobra Adam Bielawski via Wikimedia Commons.

But Morning Joe?hosts Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough and guest Bill Kristol insisted on trying to place blame on rap music. More specifically, they tried to blame the rapper Waka Flocka. He was scheduled to perform at the University of Oklahoma but canceled after these revelations. Flocka, like many rappers, uses the “n-word” a lot in his songs. However, bringing this up in a discussion about a racist chant just seems to be another way of taking blame off of innocent, young, white people and placing it on blacks. And I am NOT okay with this.

Mika annoyingly said:

“It’s full of n-words, it’s full of f-words. It’s wrong. And he shouldn’t be disgusted with them, he should be disgusted with himself.?

What an idiot. Everyone knows (or should know) that black people saying the “n-word” is different than whites. Some may want to have an extended argument about how unfair this is, but I am not one of those people. White people shouldn’t say it. Period. Also, we CAN and should be disgusted at the people repeating this horribly offensive chant. Is Mika insane?

Bill Kristol, who is often a guest on this program, added his two cents as well, saying:

?Popular culture becomes a cesspool, a lot corporations profit off of it, and then people are surprised that some drunk 19-year-old kids repeat what they’ve been hearing.?

First, these students?are not just singing along to a Waka Flocka song or any other rap song. They aren’t merely saying the “n-word.” This chant from SAE members was mocking lynching, an egregious method of publicly crucifying black people, and were preaching a message of exclusion. Neither of these things are in rap songs.

The pathetic arguments from these hosts should not come as a shock. We have seen white mass murderers be treated with more respect than black victims. So often, society tries to find a way to make morally inferior white people “good people.” The notion that we should take responsibility away from these grown adults in college, yet blame a 12-year-old Tamir Rice for not avoiding being killed, speaks largely to how racist of a nation we can be.

The main guy in the video has said that this is something that was taught to them but not by Waka Flocka. These?are racist beliefs that have been passed down from their fraternity, and the Morning Joe cast of characters should be completely embarrassed and ashamed for their outrageous rhetoric.

I was born on January 13, 1990. I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC. I moved up north and attended the University of CT from 2008 to 2012. I currently also work at a law firm in Uptown Charlotte and have been helping with this organization entitled the National Independent Voter Coalition. My interests include: Politics (obviously), Basketball (playing and watching) and watching almost any sport, movies, reading, the law, human rights, entertainment, mostly Angelina Jolie and Beyonce. I am fun, caring, passionate, intelligent, and unique!