Here Is A Video Of A Man Having 100+ Flesh Eating Maggots Removed From His Nose

If you just finished dinner or are about to eat dinner, I advise you not to read any further. Seriously. Stop now if you want to eat.

By Dalius Baranauskas via Wikimedia Commons
By Dalius Baranauskas via Wikimedia Commons.

A 65-year-old man in Sao Paulo, Brazil?was having nose troubles when he went to his doctor complaining of pain, swelling, bleeding from the nose, and “worms coming out of his nose.” He also complained of a foul smell.

After doctors conducted a nasal endoscopy, which is a surgical procedure where a doctor inserts a camera into your nose to check things out, the culprit was found to be an infestation of over 100 flesh-eating maggots. The Daily Mail reported doctors found the patient’s nasal passage to be:

“…red, filled with fluid, covered in ulcers, and the tissue was crumbling.”


The maggots, which were identified as?Cochilomyia hominivorax?(New World Screwworm), is a common species to the area in South America. After a female fly lays 200-400 eggs, the eggs hatch and the larvae causes “deep, pocket-like lesions in the skin, which can be very damaging to the animal host” while burrowing.?Usually, we think of maggots as eating dead flesh. Nope! This creature isn’t picky. It?eats and infests HEALTHY tissue as well as necrotic tissue. In fact, the word hominivorax translates to “man eating.”?

Based on that fact, the man was lucky the maggots were found, as they very well could have eaten his face from inside out. According to The Daily Mail, the infestation of maggots in the nose (nasal myasis) can lead to “infection in the eyes, brain, occasionally cause meningitis, and even death.

After four days, doctors successfully removed all of the maggots, and the man’s symptoms disappeared.

Have you made it this far? Still with me? If you have, lucky for you they got a VIDEO of the removal of the maggots! It’s VERY up close and personal too thanks to the medical instrumentation used (thank you medical science). So, it’s graphic. If you are like me and get a really sick pleasure from watching disgusting things and even more pleasure from torturing family members with it, ENJOY! I’m going now to happily send this to my step dad on Facebook.