What Makes Interracial Dating So Black And White To So Many People?

I watched an interesting video today featuring a black woman discussing why she will never date outside her race again.

Image from theswirlworld.com
Image from theswirlworld.com

The video?was interesting?and the lady was very articulate and polite. Her delivery?was not?offensive or confrontational. She?made reference to another video that I’ll also share, where she stated that the woman in the second?video was her “anger translator.”? She kind of waffled on whether or not she agreed with opinions her “anger translator” expressed, although it was clear that she did just by?making that implication.

I am currently dating a white woman. I’ve dated both?within and outside my race. What I never did once was stop to consider that person’s race, it was something that was already apparent. I only considered their personality and sexual appeal. I think most people are that way, personality and sex appeal are the main two reasons why you choose a partner.

Are some aspects of that person’s personality cultural? Yes. But what videos like this do is make it seem like every black and every white person has a cookie cutter personality. I find people who think like this have very little personality outside of their “cultural identity.” This is not a slam on the woman in the video. I don’t know her personally. It’s just?my observation of people who tend to hold a negative attitude towards interracial relationships.

I’ve been called an “Oreo” as long as I can remember by my people growing up, because of the way I speak. Did it cause resentment? Yes. Did I still grow to love my people? Yes. But that doesn’t mean I limit who I chose to love within the confines of a relationship. I know some people will disagree, and they should already know the answer to the question of “if I care.”

To each their own life and happiness. I’ll never really understand those who concern themselves with other people’s private lives. If I lost my job and had to live on the streets, many women both black and white wouldn’t give me a second thought, but see me with a white women and now I become a discussion? Come on people we’ve got our priorities way out of wack on this.

This is the?first video that I wrote this article about.


This is the video of her “anger translator,” that she made reference to. Language warning – NSFW


This is a counter argument, almost the flip side of her anger translator, coming from a black male who dates white women. Language warning – NSFW