Kansas Bill Signing: Declares Brownback Worst Governor in Nation

I like to call myself a “reluctant resident” of Kansas. I call myself that because I love this state, but I have to admit we very likely have the most inept governor in the nation at this moment in American history. Every time I hear the continued bad news coming from Topeka, I feel like walking over to the Missouri side of Kansas City- and staying. For good.

Courtesy of Flickr
Courtesy of Flickr

Governor Brownback has boasted of his fiscal “experiment,” offering tax cuts galore for businesses that will somehow save the state hundreds of millions of dollars, while also convincing corporate giants across the nation to settle in the Land of Oz. Unfortunately, years into his tenure as governor, the state is approaching a fiscal cliff, the likes of which we’ve never seen before, and there are no corporate giants here to save us. Governor Brownback, driving the car, would have us believe that he’s averting the state from disaster; that none of this is his fault. President Obama knows the reality of being the executive too well- when you’re in the driver’s seat, you take responsibility for the direction things go. You don’t get to blame it on past administrations. Brownback would be wise to stop expecting Kansans to believe he isn’t in control. Really. Just stop blaming past administrations. The courts. Scientists. Whoever. Just stop blaming anything you can think of and take responsibility.

Today, the Kansas State Legislature passed a bill that will keep thousands upon thousands of state employees from being furloughed starting on Monday (June 8th). That bill is quickly headed to Brownback’s desk where he is expected to sign it. As he signs that bill, he is declaring himself the worst governor in our nation. He would like for us to believe that he is saving state employees from being furloughed, when in fact, his administration very clearly created the circumstances causing the furloughs. In a stroke of pure irony, the way that the legislature is saving the 7,000? state employees from being furloughed is by declaring all state employees “essential personnel.” This comes just weeks after Brownback signed a bill reclassifying many state employees into non-civil service positions. I’m starting to get the impression Brownback believes he is really truly saving us from messes he continues to make. He wants to reclassify thousands of employees so they become non-state employees, but then a few weeks later temporarily classify all state employees as essential to save them from furloughs created by his own budget? Does anyone else feel like this is descending to the dark depths of the Twilight Zone?

Governor Brownback, my advice to you is to stop trying to pull the wool over our pretty little Kansas eyes. You are in your second term. You have a Republican legislature and Republican courts. You could easily formulate a plan that would keep the state from drowning in debt created by your own irresponsible tax policies. Yet, you seem to be more interested in creating the disasters (e.g.: school funding, taxes, infrastructure), and then showing up on Monday to quarterback about your own failures (cue slap-in-the-face). Well, Sam, Kansas has lost the game, and we lost the game because you and your team of leadership failed us. Miserably. Every time I think things can’t get worse, somehow you end up in the picture. Please do us all a favor, Sam. Don’t sign this bill saving state employees. You were the one who suggested the furloughs. Stand by your policies and quit trying to save us from them. Maybe then, the individuals who reelected you will see you for what you really are, but if you sign on that line, you’re agreeing with most of Kansas and the rest of the country that you’re the worst governor in the Nation.