If Dating Wasn’t Difficult Enough: #WasteHisTime2016

A new brutal hashtag is trending already in 2016 and it doesn’t exactly show women on Twitter in a positive light. The hashtag #WasteHisTime2016 is trending on Twitter with women suggesting ways to waste men’s time in the dating realm.

Image via Flikr by Andreas Eldh

Women using this hashtag claim that men have mistreatment coming to them with how they treat women they are dating. Women making use of this hashtag claim that men sleep with them without calling them back, string them along, and generally treat them as substandard to men.

However, this catty, petty hashtag is just adding fuel to the fire of misogynists and their claims about women. This hashtag is a great example of how both men and women need feminism. Instead of focusing on treating each other like human beings with feelings, trends like this hashtag are pitting men and women against each other. Hurting each other  ends up hurting everyone. This competition is far from what our society needs and a step in the wrong direction for gender equality.

Women are using #WasteHisTime2016 in response to being treated badly by men, but what are they actually accomplishing? Instead of focusing frustrations on the men who treated them poorly, these women punish any and all men who may like or attempt to date them. Men and women who are treated poorly while dating are more likely to treat other potential dates poorly. The more people are mistreated while dating the more likely they are to become cynical and bitter towards the people they later date. It is a cycle that has made dating more difficult, frustrating, and unethical for men and women and #WasteHisTime2016 is making matters worse.

Some Twitter users have taken to mocking #WasteHisTime2016 and pointing out how it is making the dating world worse for everyone. This trending hashtag illuminates a huge problem in the dating world and in gender inequality. If men and women would treat each other with respect and honesty the dating world and beyond would be much better off.


Emily Coday is a writer, educator, advocate, and tutor from Denver, CO. She is a sex-positive feminist and Bible belt escapee/atheist as well as an advocate and educator for POTS, polyamory, and LGBTQIA+ issues. Visit https://www.facebook.com/EmilyCodayWriting/ to read more of her writing or follow her on Twitter @Emily.Coday.