Third Grader Completely Destroys Donald Trump’s Deportation Plan

At the beginning of his campaign for the 2016 GOP nomination, Donald Trump managed to offend every Hispanic immigrant living in the United States with his hateful rhetoric about all Mexicans being drug dealers, murderers, and rapists.

But now a little boy in Ohio has taken down the Donald with one letter which he wrote and was then posted on Facebook by and ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher. Here’s the letter this remarkable young boy wrote:


No indeed! None of us want to live in a world where Donald Trump decides who does and doesn’t enter this country, or who is allowed to stay and who must be deported. Nor do we want a world in which this lunatic is in control of all the nuclear weapons the United States possesses.

In many ways, children are smarter and wiser than adults can ever hope to be. Because children are not born hating others. That must be taught to a child. Which raises another point: I don’t want to live in a country where a hate-filled bag of intestinal gas like Donald Trump gives regular national addresses urgingĀ us all to turn on our neighbors and friends.

The Republican party is getting very nervous because they know that should Trump win the nomination, the GOP is doomed. And they’re right. If they do not stop him now, they will never again be a national force as a political party.

This amazing young boy has spoken for all of us when it comes to the better angels of our nature. He sees the country, and the world, as it should be, not through the prism of discrimination and division being preached by Trump.

Hey, Donald, you just got schooled by a child. Proving yet again just how immature you truly are.

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