Many People Could Get Relief As The DEA Discusses Reclassifying This Drug

Since 1970, marijuana has been listed as a Schedule I drug along with drugs like Ecstasy and Peyote. Drugs that people use recreationally often. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will likely look at rescheduling marijuana though. It would then become a Schedule II drug, joining oxycodone and drugs for the treatment of ADHD.

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In 2001 and 2006, the DEA discussed a reschedule. Both times, they decided against it. Back in November, DEA Chief Chuck Rosenberg said of marijuana:

“What really bothers me is the notion that marijuana is also medicinal — because it’s not.”

The vast majority of physicians disagree with Rosenberg, though.

The American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics both recently called for a look into rescheduling pot. The American Cancer Association and other prominent illness-related organizations have asked for this as well.

To the delight of many people, over twenty states have legalized medical marijuana. An additional four states, and DC, have also approved pot for recreational use. Seventeen states have legalized cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is often only approved for limited use, like in Wisconsin where CBD is only approved for children with seizure-causing conditions.

The benefits to rescheduling marijuana are many, touching areas from research, to crime, to quality of life for those with painful conditions.

Right now only a few universities are able to study marijuana for any reason, and they deal with a variety of restrictions that inhibit their ability to study the plant further.

This has the potential to open more states to the legalization of marijuana in more forms, whether medical or recreational. There is also the possibility that this will lead to fewer criminal charges and incarcerations.

Increased medical use could be coming as well, helping to alleviate the pain that chronic pain patients are feeling from the latest regulations on opioid use. While the DEA says they will make a decision about reclassifying marijuana, no date has been mentioned.

Kirsten Schultz is a writer and chronic illness guru living in Madison, Wisconsin. Her undergraduate degree is in religious studies with a double minor in history and politics. However, during her first go of graduate school, she fell extremely ill and had to drop out. She now shares her musings on living with chronic illness at her site Not Standing Still's Disease, writes about how illness affects Quality of Life (QoL) issues at Chronic Sex and Creaky Joints, and runs a weekly chat on QoL issues Thursday nights on Twitter.