Dear Conservatives, There Is No Gay ‘Agenda’ (VIDEO)

There is a debate going on surrounding gay rights. Despite same-sex marriage being legal in the U.S., there are of course those that continue to oppose equality. That would include you conservatives.

There are many arguments against gay marriage. Personally, I have read statements such as, “Think of the defenseless children,” “Don’t deliberately deprive a child of having a mother or a father,” and “Defend natural marriage.”

Larry Tomczak, pictured below, is one of those that has many excuses. He even made a video for Anderson Cooper.

Image via YouTube screengrab.

Homosexuality is ubiquitous and found in many animal species, often at the same percentage as in humans, so it is natural. I fail to see how gay marriage is in any way a threat to straight marriage. It is incredible that people are unable to live and let live.

Why would you want to deny anyone happiness, or unhappiness in the case of some marriages? Saying gay marriage diminishes traditional marriage is like saying male votes are worth less since women began to vote.

The Catholic Church has extended a belated olive branch to the gay community.

Pope Francis recently stated that gay people should not suffer discrimination. However, this is half a century after many civil rights acts were brought in. Is he really that forward thinking? Why did it take the church 50 years to finally catch up with the law? I guess better late than never.

Speaking of anti-discrimination laws, wouldn’t gay people have a case? Citizens are supposed to be treated “no less favorably” because of factors such as gender, race, sexuality, or religion. Not making a cake for a gay wedding due to your religious beliefs seems to still be treating them less favorably to me, and the law agreed.

Regardless of what the conservative politicians say about gay equality, it is happening. It is fascinating to observe the various objections. Insecurity? Fundamentalism? As for the propaganda about the “poor children” – how ridiculous!

Gay marriage is simply granting equality to all citizens. Anti-discrimination laws deem the gay community to be equal citizens and religious beliefs offer no excuse for disrespecting these laws.

Shouldn’t acceptance and equality (often offered as religious virtues) be exactly what we teach our children?

Check out creepy Larry Tomczak address Anderson Cooper on his “biblical worldview” as he speaks of the “gay agenda.”