Republican Trump Supporter Compares Clinton’s Health To Football Players With Concussions (VIDEO)

A surrogate for the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Amy Kremer, was on CNN talking about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s health. She is claiming that Hillary Clinton has some kind of brain injury.

Kremer said:

“I am sorry, but [Hillary Clinton] has had an incident where she fell and had a major concussion, and then she had a blood clot in her head, a very serious blood clot. I mean, that’s something to be concerned about.”

When the host, Poppy Harlow, said that this Clinton injury happened years ago, and she’s been cleared by a doctor. Ms. Kremer doesn’t back down from her point She said:

“Poppy — and you know what, no, let me say this. The NFL has had major lawsuits from players having concussion years ago. It is a serious issue and the people want it answered. Why not just release the medical records?”

Ms. Kremer is comparing Hillary Clinton’s injury to football players who have concussions. Clinton just had one concussion. The football players who are affected by their concussions are the people who have been hit many times.

Republicans have been trying to prove Hillary Clinton is having health problems.

Fox News and Info Wars joined forces to try and say that Clinton has some neurological condition. They have a photo of Clinton being helped on a flight of stairs in South Carolina in February.

Image via YouTube screenshot.
Image via YouTube screenshot.

It was winter, and she tripped. People trip all the time, but this photo still managed to go viral.

The video mentions four times in five years where Clinton tripped. That is hardly any sign of a medical condition. She did go to the hospital in 2012, but that has been well documented. She fainted when she had the stomach flu. The doctors found a clot in her brain, which was treated. She was released from the hospital a few days later. Clinton is healthy and qualified to be president.

Image is a YouTube screengrab. 

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