9 HILARIOUS Tweets About The Presidential Debate (TWEETS/VIDEO)

This week, we watched the event that we have been waiting for. The presidential candidates faced off in the first debate of the season. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was the clear winner.

Here are some tweets that you will definitely understand if you watched the debate:

1. Hillary Was Ready For A Fight

She appeared in a smart red pantsuit ready to take on the Donald and his stupidity.

2. Perfect Response To The Cocaine Rumors

The rumors of Trump doing cocaine came from the fact that he kept sniffling during the whole program. Yes, he did have a faulty mic, but it doesn’t change the fact that he did this.

3. Trump Kept Saying She Is Wrong


He just kept interrupting and saying she was wrong. He also kept saying that he didn’t say the things that Clinton said he did, all of which Clinton quoted.

4. Her Facial Expressions

She kept giving the best facial expressions to Trump’s idiocy. Her shimmying during the debate was also quite memorable.

5. Hillary Clinton Is Supposed To Have Stopped Everything

Trump kept asking her why she hasn’t fixed things because she’s “been doing this 30 years.” I guess she was supposed to have solved every problem from the last 30 years. Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

6. Clinton Founded ISIS


Trump said, President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton founded ISIS. This explains it all.

7. President Obama Was Laughing

President Obama knows that the Donald would be a horrible president. Many Republicans have dumped the Trump as well. Obama’s laughing face looks perfect for this sentiment.

8. A Perfect Description

Trump is just like your old, crotchety conservative relatives. He is appealing to that redneck uncle of yours that used to be secretly racist, but now they aren’t. Trump seems to have pulled our most racist people out of the woodwork.

9. This Looks About Right

This is what many of his supporters look like. They somehow idolize this man who has no idea what their lives are really like.

Here is the Daily Show coverage of the debate:

Featured Image: Screenshot Via YouTube Video.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com