20+ Accomplishments That Prove Hillary Beat The GOP Witch Hunt And Deserves Your Vote

One week from today, barring any outstanding circumstances (I remember 2000 all too clearly!), we will have a new President-elect. On one side, we have the racist, misogynist, going-to-trial-in-December-for-child-rape, Republican presidential nominee Donald “Grab Them By The P***y” Trump. On the other side, we have Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. She is not perfect. She is, however, the most qualified candidate the United States has had in decades, perhaps in history. And she is not only the better choice, she is the only rational choice.

20+ Reasons Hillary Clinton Is The Best Choice

We could go all the way back to the early 1970s, when Clinton was graduating from law school and Trump was going into the family business of moneymaking, tax dodging, and discrimination, but let’s focus on just the past twenty-five or so years, shall we? And, by the way, we can do this without mentioning her opponent once.

  • She won her New York Senate seat by double-digits in the year 2000, becoming the first woman Senator ever elected in New York.
  • The people of New York re-elected her in 2006 with 67 percent of the vote, showing their approval of her leadership.
  • While serving in the Senate she voted with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), considered by many to be a champion of the people, 93 percent of the time.
  • Her voting record in Senate made her the 11th “most liberal” member.
  • She ran for President in 2008, and, after losing the primary to President Barack Obama(despite getting more votes), she campaigned for him.
  • She co-sponsored the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Shortly thereafter, President Obama appointed her Secretary of State.
  • As Secretary of State, she pushed for the raid that took out Osama bin Laden, negotiated a ceasefire in Gaza, helped repair the United States’ image around the world after the disastrous Bush years, and worked with foreign nations to help bring Iran to the negotiating table, among other things.
  • She created the “Saving Mothers, Giving Life” initiative in 2012, just before she resigned as Secretary of State. The initiative exists to help reduce maternal and infant mortality in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • She is running for President on the most progressive Democratic party platform in history.
  • Clinton has offered progressive proposals to reform arcane drug laws, improve health care for veterans, and improve the lives of people living with autism, among other things.
  • She has proposed a $350 billion plan to help students who are struggling to pay for college.
  • She has a plan to help public schools, realizing that privatization and vouchers — which are embraced by Republicans — tend to serve wealthier families and blur the church-state line.
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), well-known as a fighter for the middle class, endorses Clinton’s plan to reform Wall Street.
  • Clinton has a definitive plan to deal with climate change and plans on continuing Obama’s legacy on environmental matters.
  • Her immigration plan is comprehensive and humane, providing a path to citizenship.
  • She supports common sense gun regulations, including the expansion of background checks (supported by approximately 90 percent of the American public).
  • Though she once opposed marriage equality, she has since not only realized that she was wrong and changed her position (showing growth as a human being), she has also received the endorsement of the Human Rights Campaign and helped the transgender rights movement.
  • Speaking of LGBT rights, Clinton is also committed to helping LGBT families who are struggling with adoptions.
  • She is ardently pro-choice, a stance that protects the lives of women everywhere, as well as a champion of equality for women.
  • She is, contrary to popular belief, the most honest person running for president.

Any which way you slice it, the only rational choice for President of the United States is Hillary Clinton. Her accomplishments, far greater in number than what you see above, far outweigh any negative aspects. Her opponent’s “accomplishments,” on the other hand, consist of making billions by screwing people over. He is a man who has never once held public office. Everything he has ever done was to benefit him, and him alone.

Vote on November 8, and vote blue all the way.

Featured Image via screenshot from Hillary Clinton’s Instagram

A h/t to Blogger Dan Benbow, whose “178 reasons Hillary Clinton is infinitely better than Donald Trump (even on her worst day)” post was the inspiration for this article

Carrie is a progressive mom and wife living in the upper Midwest.