Right Wing Nutjobs Lie AGAIN — Obamas Did NOT Cancel Photo-Op With Trumps

Remember how the ever-classy Barack Obama tweeted about his positive meeting with Donald Trump? Do you also remember how he refused to have a photo shoot with him afterwards?

The two things just didn’t seem to fit together did they? There’s a reason for that.

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The President and his soon-to-be replacement were photographed together and looked to be in good spirits. Since then rumors have circulated that Obama refused to take part in a photoshoot afterwards.

It has become a tradition for the incumbent president and their predecessor to have a family photograph together.

The Wall Street Journal had claimed that the cancellation of the photo-op was a show of bitterness on the part of Obama, who campaigned hard against Trump and even endorsed Clinton in her bid to become president.

It would appear though that this is just another spin job. Kate Bennett, White House Correspondent for the Independent Journal Review, commented that these allegations were “definitely false.”

It has been revealed that the photo opportunity was never included on the official itinerary. How you can you cancel something that was never planned in the first place?

This, coupled with the fact that the meeting between the president and president-elect was supposed to last around fifteen minutes and actually lasted for closer to two hours, suggests there was no hint of spite by the Obamas whatsoever.

The whole incident seemed completely fatuitous in the first place. Obama has been calling for unity in the wake of the election. Why then would his actions not correspond with his words?

Well it turns out they probably did.

The level of press that this “incident” has received has been ridiculous. Some publications have even claimed that it was motivated by Michelle Obama. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest has rubbished this idea by stating:

“Absolutely not. In fact, I’m not aware the first lady’s office was consulted about the press arrangements about today.”

Personally I think it is great to see Obama maintaining the class he showed during his presidency.

Featured Image via screenshot from YouTube video

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