George Takei Warns Trump On Internment Camp: You’re ‘Uninformed’ (VIDEO)

Star Trek actor George Takei called President-elect Donald Trump “uninformed” in an interview on Thursday. Trump is uninformed about many things, but Takei was referring to Trump’s proposal to put all Muslims living in the country in a database. He has even mentioned making them wear armbands to identify themselves.

Takei had this to say when talking about the days after the election:
“For a good number of days, I could not see things with an even balance. And then it’s getting to be even more worrisome. The kind of people he’s appointing to major Cabinet positions, Jeff Sessions, to head the Department of Justice, when he has a history of racism and he was denied a judgeship because of that history?”

Takei is particularly concerned about Trump’s Muslim registry proposal because his family was put in a registry and sent to live in a Japanese Internment Camp during World War II. His parents were born in the United States, but they were sent to the camps anyway because the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor.

Takei says that our next president should learn from history and not make that mistake again. He said:

“It is an echo of what we heard from World War II coming from Trump himself. That sweeping statement characterizing all Muslims. There are more than a billion Muslims in this world. To infer they are all terrorists with that kind of sweeping statement is outrageous, in the same way that they characterized all Japanese Americans as enemy aliens.”

First, they were put on a registry; then, their bank accounts were frozen. Then, one morning the soldiers came and took them away from their home. They lived in the camps for four years.

Donald Trump needs to crack open a history book and look into this. His treatment of Muslims could very well lead to internment camps or some other kind of horrible punishment.

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