THE Trump Spoof Gift Of The Year, For The Voter Who Has Everything (VIDEO)

Every year since 1986, when I had my first child, I’ve been struck by the ingenuity of the Lego company. They don’t even need to advertise. They just come up with a Lego set that perfectly matches whatever is on the mind of America.

I’ve been through the Star Wars Lego sets, the Lord of the Rings sets, the Harry Potters and I think there were even some Minions in there at one point.

Now comes something completely different.

In a holiday season where half the country is wallowing in despair and the other half is eagerly awaiting the Glory Days of White Supremecy, it can be hard to find just that perfect gift.

But the YouTube channel The School of Life has begun to advertise the perfect gift for both the Trump supporters and the Never Trumpers on your list.

Yes, boys and girls, you can now buy the Lego set “The Trumps!”

Each tiny Lego member of the Trump family comes with its own Trump Tower. The set comes with a lavish bed where the Donald figure Tweets at the break of every dawn. There is a book that the Donald can hold, entitled “Mein Struggle.”

The set includes a tiny red telephone where the Lego President can call his best friend, Vladimir Putin (not included).

The spoof set is also said to include a huge pile of money and a complete nuclear arsenal.

It does not, according the ad, include any tax returns.

I guess this is funny.

Trump is certainly dominating the minds of most of America, if not the world. His entire demeanor and approach to governing seems like it would appeal perfectly to the (mental) age group that enjoys Legos.

You can see the complete spoof ad right here.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.


Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"