A Comprehensive List Of The Worst Trump Campaign Lies (VIDEO)

Many politicians lie, but President-elect Donald Trump is quite adept at it. He is a liar on a whole other level. Here are some of the biggest topics that Trump lied about during the campaign season.

The Star put the lies into categories, so I covered some of the worst lies in each, and condensed the repeats. Enjoy!

1. Inner Cities Are Horrible Hellholes

Trump said this on October 19, 2016:

“You get shot walking to the store. They have no education. They have no jobs.”

During the debates and at his rallies, Trump kept talking as if our inner cities are completely uncivilized. He vowed to “rebuild” inner cities, which sounded good to white voters. However, he didn’t get very much support from the Black community because of his outspoken bigotry.

Not to mention that he blatantly said that the “Black on Black” murder rate was high, and made up the “source” he supposedly got the information from – the statistics and source were completely faked.

He once claimed the Black communities were:

“… Absolutely in the worst shape that they’ve ever been in before — ever, ever, ever.”

He said 58 percent of Black youth can’t get a job. He claimed 65 percent of Black children under 6 are in poverty. He’s said multiple times that inner cities “just don’t have jobs.” I don’t know where he’s getting these statistics from, but they were all wrong.

2. Election Being Rigged

Trump blamed Clinton for the violence at his rallies. Then, he kept falsely claiming that the election was being rigged and that voter fraud was rampant. At a rally in Chicago, Trump said:

“She’s the one and Obama that caused the violence. They hired people — they paid them $1,500, and they’re on tape saying be violent, cause fights, do bad things.”

He kept claiming:

“When you look at illegal immigrants voting all over the country…We have voters all over the country where they are not even citizens of the country and they are voting.”

3. Clinton’s Policies

He lied plenty about Hillary Clinton’s ideas and policies. For instance, he said that she doesn’t have any economy plans, that she wants “open borders” in this country, and that she wants to take in hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees.

He thinks that she wants the government to completely take over healthcare and that she wants to go to single-payer plan like Canada has done. She wants to keep the Affordable Care Act, while he wants to get rid of it and rely on private healthcare plans.

She said:

“As your president, I want to build on the progress we’ve made. I’ll do more to bring down health care costs for families, ease burdens on small businesses, and make sure consumers have the choices they deserve. And frankly, it is finally time for us to deal with the skyrocketing out-of-pocket health costs, and particularly runaway prescription drug prices.”

He also said that she wants to raise our taxes when she really just wants to raise them for the richest at the top of the scale.

4. Immigration

He talked a lot about immigration and refugees during his campaign. He used the phrase “extreme vetting” to refer to background checks for refugees coming from the Middle East.

It started as a ban on Muslims entering the country, then it morphed into his “extreme vetting.” He said that there are two million illegal immigrants convicted here, but that number is incorrect. The two million actually includes legal AND illegal immigrants. One time, he even claimed that we treat illegal immigrants better than veterans.

5. Clintons’ “Corruption”

During the entire campaign, he talked about how the Clinton’s are “corrupt.” He falsely said that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sold government favors when she didn’t.

He said she destroyed 13 iPhones when it was really two Blackberries. .

6. Healthcare

This was a big topic. Trump and the Republicans want to get rid of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Clinton wanted to keep the ACA and improve on it. Trump mentioned Canada’s single-payer system before and mentioned how much of a disaster he thinks it is. He said:

“You know, if you look at even Canada, the people come down. When they want an operation, they come to the United States to get the operation.”

They are not swarming the United States for care.

Trump also said that premiums are going up by 60, 70, and even 100 percent. They’re going up, but not by anything even close to that amount – and it is the insurance companies raising the premiums, not Obamacare.

7. Endorsements

Trump spent a lot of time lying about who endorsed him. Several times, he said that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency endorsed him. Government agencies are not allowed to officially endorse any political candidates. He was endorsed by a small union of ICE agents, not the agency itself. He also said he was endorsed by Border Patrol. Same thing, he was endorsed by a union of Border Patrol agents, not the agency itself.

8. Obama’s Record

He lied a lot about his opponent, but he also lied about our current President Barack Obama while on the campaign trail. Trump said:

“Over the last few years, this administration has been steadily dismantling the federal criminal justice system. Tens of thousands of drug dealers have been released from prison early, including many illegal immigrants.”

Obama delivered 775 commutations and not all of those were drug dealers.

9. Miscellaneous Crap

There are some lies he told that don’t even fit into any category. He just randomly spews lies about people, places, and things.

He falsely said Tim Kaine won his Senate seat by a “small margin,” but Kaine won his seat by six percentage points. That’s far from small.

He said this of the New York Times:

“The failing NYTimes reporters don’t even call us anymore, they just write whatever they want to write, making up sources along the way!”

They call Trump’s team on every story that they write about him. Trump claimed that the paper apologized to him for bad coverage when they didn’t.

He even tried to tell the people of Nevada how to pronounce that state name. He said it is Nev-AH-da, but most people say Nev-ADD-a.

He just kept parroting these lies during his long campaign rally speeches.

Here is Trevor Noah talking about Trump’s lies on the Daily Show:

Featured image via Twitter.

h/t: The Star

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com