Spineless GOP Needs To Investigate Trump For Treason (VIDEO)

For everyone wondering why impeachment proceedings for our nauseating president haven’t begun yet, you can thank the spineless GOP.

Yes, the same party whose members couldn’t sink their teeth into Benghazi fast enough don’t want to rush things with President Donald Trump. All they seem to do is shrug their shoulders when Trump wrongly calls the media ‘fake news.’

Even after Trump admitted to knowing Michael Flynn had lied about Russian connections long before he resigned, Congress is taking it slow. Representative Ted Lieu of California is even calling Republicans out on not doing anything.

About the lack of progress, he said:

“You see immense energy from people who want to resist the president. A recent poll came out saying that 46 percent of Americans want the president impeached, and certainly members of Congress take notice.”

Take notice but don’t do anything. After all, they have a Republican president and control in Congress. They’re not about to bow out anytime soon.

Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper said:

“The energy right now is really on Congress and trying to get some Republicans to find some backbone. As we see the Flynn stuff and the question of who asked him to make the call, that could change as it develops.” 

The next few weeks could bring about some change, though. As Pepper points out:

“Both Democrats and Republicans are going home for the next 10 days for our district work period, and I suspect Republicans are going to hear a lot from home, from their constituents.”

Republicans still seem flabbergasted at the amount of kickback to Trump and his lackluster administration. They apparently thought we’d all take this lying buffoon without so much as a peep. Pepper said:

“Before Flynn reigned, as this was boiling up over the weekend, Republicans I would run into town would start to say, ‘What is going on?’ Even those who were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

Never stop resisting this administration.

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