Tide Turns: Pro-Bernie Democrat Wins In Republican Dominated NY District (VIDEO)

Christine Pellegrino became the first Democrat to win an Assembly seat in a previously Republican district on New York’s Long Island. The 9th Assembly District of Albany represents 120, 000 people. Pellegrino won 52 percent to 48 percent and her win was a quite a shock that surprised her competitor, who no doubt thought he had it in the bag. Tom Gargiulo expressed great shock with:

“We worked hard. I don’t know what happened.”

Pellegrino was a Bernie delegate and it is obvious that people are looking for change.

While Long Island is a conservative place, Pellegrino’s campaign video below shows they are dealing with some really tough issues. In the clip she says:

“We deserve clean water and protection against the next devastating storm. Someone who will battle the heroin epidemic ravaging Long Island.”

This claim in her campaign video shows that each district does face their own set of problems, and while this is a small victory, it is a significant one.

There are many reasons the country would reject the lies and disappointment brought by President Donald Trump, but polls also show that the progressive policies from Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders are popular across the board.

This line in her campaign video aligns with Sanders’ message:

“Christine Pellegrino will be on our side in Albany. Not the corrupt politicians.”

This victory shows that many people across the country not only have a dislike for Trump, but they have great love for and trust of Sanders. This result is telling us that even Republicans are looking to progressives for change. If there is one thing that Sanders clearly stands against it is greed and corruption, recently calling Trump’s budget ‘grotesquely immoral.’ Pellegrino has found victory with the same notion.

People like the idea of single payer healthcare – it is what other developed nations have. Bernie has asked “why we can’t have it too?”

That is a fair question. Getting help when you are sick should not depend on how much money you have. The wealthiest nation in the world ought to be able to care for the sick and poor.

Step by step, inch by inch the Sanders revolution is happening.


Watch TYT analysis of her win:

Featured image via YouTube.