If I hear one more stupid, unbelievable, ignorant reason that the Sandy Hook massacre occurred, I’m going to lose my cool.

Obama, video games, teachers not having guns (did any of OUR teachers have guns???), too many women in schools in general, particularly that one, gays (is there ANYTHING you guys don’t get blamed for, good Lord…I’ll say straight up that I’d hate to be gay and THIS is the one reason why…every natural disaster, human-made disaster, and even friggin’ climate change is blamed on gay people), abortions. Megan McArdle thinks the 6-year-olds could have prevented this by attacking the shooter.

And it’s not just the Westboro kooks who are saying all of this. It’s people who “should” know better.

Let me mention one person who said something semi-sensible (and y’all screenshot this because I so seldom have anything positive to say about her). Sarah Palin: “fallen culture.” Of course, that was one sensible sentence in her rambling post that blamed Obama, etc…And well, she should know. Her family widely demonstrates the “fallen culture” as her son is divorcing his wife who was three months pregnant when he married her, her unwed daughter getting state subsidies to pay for her reality TV shows, her husband and his prostitute, etc…Anyhow.

We do indeed have a fallen culture. But so does the rest of the world, and there are a LOT of civilized countries in this world who aren’t all about religion and they aren’t having massacres every week.

And I’m going to have to flat out say it. It’s the REPUBLICANS coming up with every possible reason in the world except for the only one that we’re absolutely certain about. I don’t know a single liberal who is saying this dumb crap. NOT ONE. So let me give you the wacky liberal take.

The ONLY thing we know for certain is this:

“A lifelong mentally disturbed young man, for reasons not yet known, took his mother’s high powered weapons and killed her and drove to a school and killed 26 people. We believe that if he didn’t have access to these high powered weapons and went to the school with a knife, a lot less people would be dead.”

And if I hear anyone else say “he could have used a knife, it’s not about guns,” I’m going to…be irritated. It’s stupid. Even all the rednecks reading this know that you don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. Where does that statement come from???

Why can’t these idiots just grieve like everyone normal instead of making fools of themselves looking for every reason in the world to have no gun regulation? The point was made, and I believe I said it here, that Canada watches the same TV shows, movies, and plays the same games that we play and THEY don’t have a death every hour by firearm (yeah, I’ll post those stats later).

Prayer in school you say? Remember a little incident some years back when a lunatic went and shot up a bunch of kids in an Amish school. Those people pray all day long. But of course, the LOGICAL answer to that is that they were punished because the rest of the schools aren’t praying in schools.

Is God punishing us? He may very well be. And if so, it is my opinion that we’re being punished for FAR more than is going on today.

I am NOT anti-gun. You ALL know this. I can see a loaded gun from where I’m sitting typing this. It shoots one bullet at a time. I can kill a rabid skunk, or maybe, if my aim is good (and my crazy ex-boyfriend expressed the concern that I’m a “crack shot”), I MIGHT be able to take out a bad guy if he entered my home. And I don’t believe I need a weapon that was designed for military and police use to be able to do that. I don’t want to blow pieces of skunk, or bad guy, all over my house and yard.

OK, well, I said I was going to lose my cool if I heard one more thing but I decided to go ahead and lose it. It’s cold in Texas tonight and I don’t need my cool.


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