While the NRA has spent millions of dollars trying to maintain their choke hold on the conversation over gun laws, there seems to have been a shift in power since the tragedy at Sandy Hook. A variety of independent gun control groups have launched their own campaigns, in direct opposition to the NRAs message of limitless access to guns. The following video, made by States United to Prevent Gun Violence, adeptly demonstrates how antiquated laws don’t match the changes in the technology and lethality of today’s gun. Prepare to be surprised and blown away (but in a good way).

This video succinctly demonstrates in 31 seconds how relying on laws written for weapons that took anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds to load, is really rather foolish. Most Patriots (the real ones, and not those who wear tea bags on their hats) relied upon the bayonet at the end of their muskets, as well as swords they kept at their sides. Some had pistols, but they were less likely to choose them because they were very inaccurate. Knowing all that, this commercial kind of puts all those arguments into perspective.

Published by CB


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