Welcome to the fourth issue of Liberal America’s Sunday Spin. In each issue you’ll find the highlights from the week, which includes the latest on politics, the economy, activism, the environment, and even a few funnies. So sit back, relax and soak in what Liberal America has to offer!
Week of? July 7 ? July 13; Vol 1, Issue 4
SCOTUS Voting Rights Decision May Cause History To Repeat Itself?In Reverse (OP-ED) – by Jon Coffey
Almost?50 years ago, the then Democratic President, Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ), took a risk?he knew?could cost?his party?the loyalty of a region?it had dominated electorally?since the end of Reconstruction.??Although slavery?as an institution had been destroyed some hundred years before,?African-Americans?had long suffered?under a?different kind of slavery…
Koch Brothers Spend One Million Dollars To Attack Obamacare (VIDEOS) – by Jon Coffey
Ever since the Citizens United decision, the over-taxed and over-regulated Koch Brothers have spent endless?millions promoting every?Libertarian cause…this time spending over?one million dollars to air an ad in a petty attempt to?undermine public confidence in?Obamacare…
Texas GOP, Hispanic Voters, And The Voting Rights Act = A Hot Mess – by JeffKentsMustache
Last month I wrote an article about how Texas labor laws adversely impact employee rights…I ended the article on an ominous note ? warning that conservative factions had identified The Voting Rights Act of 1965 as a roadblock in the path to…
Botched U.S. Search For Snowden Brings 3 Asylum Offers From Angry Latin America – by Deborah Montesan0
The administration’s heavy-handed approach to searching for Snowden resulted in the grounding of Bolivian President Evo Morales? plane in Austria on Tuesday, under the rumor-fueled suspicion that the flight from Moscow also held Edward Snowden. The consequence of that action was…
Activism & Social Justice
Living In A Red State May Be Harmful To Your Child’s Health – by Joseph Guyer
Red states are good if you’re a business, blue states are good if you’re a human. At least that’s the takeaway from two recently-released reports, the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s ?KIDS COUNT Data Book? and ChiefExecutive.net’s ?2013 Best & Worst States for Business.?..
Crazy, Silly, and Funny
Covert Anti-Choice Bill Fuels #vaginamotorcycles Hashtag – by Christin Berger
If at first you don’t succeed, hide it and hide it again; it the bill seems to be the GOP’s new motto. Texas tried to sneak through anti-choice legislation at the end of a special session and changed the…
Tampons Confiscated At Texas Capitol ? A Super Plus Bad Move – by Tiffany Willis
What a crazy headline, eh? No, this isn’t The Onion and I’m not Andy Borowitz, either. Texas state troopers really were confiscating women’s tampons before admitting them into the…