This is both dumb and an outrage. But coming from Glenn Beck, it certainly is expected.
Would you believe that if JFK were alive today he’d be a Teabully?? Yes, this is what the Beckster had to say yesterday, shared with the teeny, tiny audience?on his radio program:
If you could bring back the politician that JFK was, he wouldn’t be accepted by the Republican Party because he would be a tea party radical.
The tactics of the Teabully include ascribing to the opposition their own negative traits. Beck, and others in the Right wing Media machine, are now taking the good qualities of Kennedy, lamely attempting to try to make him their own.? A recent article appeared in that:
Modern Democrats would view John F. Kennedy as a Reaganite extremist.
And yesterday, on the great Fox & Friends, Charles Krauthammer?opined that, had he survived, JFK would be far to the right of the Democrats of today and more comfortable as a republican.
They try to do this with other heroes of the American left. Take the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for example.? Here is a posting that I received on Facebook just a few hours ago:
There is a good reason MLK was not a Democrat. And he would be a right winger still to this day.
Now one idiot’s false posting on Facebook does not mean that the right wing has not been busy changing history and lifting words to rearrange them so as to make it appear that people like President Kennedy and Dr. King were right wingers.? But there is plenty of this out there on the internet??for these trolls to latch on to.
But if it is true that Dr. King was a Republican, why on earth would Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, and the House Majority Leader, Republican Eric Cantor, turn down invitations?to speak at last year’s 50th anniversary of the MLK lead march on Washington?
Let us look at some of the things that President Kennedy stood for.
The most memorable was his stand against the Soviet Union in October of 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. President Kennedy stared down the barrel of a nuclear holocaust and diffused the situation without a shot being fired.
See the present day handling of the Syrian chemical weapon use and the art of negotiation by President Obama to come to an agreement with Russia with no U.S. military involvement.? Not a very popular position with the present day GOP/Teabully Party.
We here at, previously revealed the truth about the false claim coming from present day GOP/Teabully figures, such as Republican Senator Rand Paul, of Kentucky, falsely claiming pride?in the Republican record on Civil Rights.
President Kennedy did not live to see the landmark pieces of Civil Rights legislation that Congress passed, which were then signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson, following the death of President Kennedy. But there is no doubt that President Kennedy fully embraced?the cause of Civil Rights.??And there is no doubt that President Kennedy, who proposed the Civil Rights Act,?which was signed into law by President Johnson. On February 28, 1963, President Kennedy sent a special message to Congress??urging action to ensure voting rights of all citizens saying, in part, that:
It ought to be possible for American citizens of any color to register and to vote in a free election without interference or fear of reprisal.
The GOP/Teabully Party, along with their right wing lie and media circus machine, specializes in the creation and perpetuation of false narratives which are used to dupe Americans into voting against their interest. President Kennedy, on the other hand, said that:
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
President Kennedy’s believe in truth and clarity would make him unwelcome in the present day GOP/Teabully Party.
You see, when it comes to the GOP/Teabully Party, they can have it both ways. And it isn’t a lie, if you believe it.
Edited by SS