Pope Instructs Staffer To Sell His Desk And Go Hang Out With The Poor

I have been watching Pope Francis for a while now, and I must say that I am impressed. He has reformed a lot of the traditions of the Catholic Church, in terms of the opulence of the rock that was built by St. Peter. He is a simply dressed man, does not reside in the papal palace or even sit in the traditional papal throne. He walks and talks service to the poor. He did it when he was a priest in taking alms to the poor and has continued to do so, but is not able to do so as much as he once did because of him being Pope now.

But he has entrusted one archbishop with that task by appointing him to the office of the Vatican Almoner.

There is something else he has done as well- reformed the office of the Vatican Almoner.

What is the office of the Vatican Almoner?

The Vatican Almoner is the one that gives alms to the poor.

What has Pope Francis done with the office of the Vatican Almoner?

Here are some changes that he has made.

  • He has entrusted Archbishop Konrad Krajewski with this appointment.
  • He has encouraged Archbishop Krajewski to go out and seek the poor and sick, rather than sitting in an office all day; going so far as to have him sell his desk.
  • Pope Francis takes an active role in it by giving Archbishop Krajewski marching orders each morning of where to go to seek the people who are in need of alms.

The Catholic Church heading in new direction.

Under Pope Francis’s tutelage, he has been causing a lot of stir with his comments he has made and his actions. He is truly carrying out the work that Christ began his time here on Earth. Even Sarah Palin has called the Pope liberal and Rush Limbaugh has called him a Marxist for speaking out against a free market and the damage it does to the poor. This is a man who is truly humble and walking the walk, while also talking the talk. He has let himself be the change he has encouraged and I think that this gentleman will be a blessing, not to just the Church, but to the world.