Kevin Trudeau is in jail today. You may know him as the “infomercial guy” who made his living hawking first supplements and then books. The infomercials for his books, “The Cures ‘They’ Don’t Want You To Know About” and “The Weight Loss Cure ‘They’ Don’t Want You To Know About” ran pretty much on twenty four hour loops and sold thousands of copies daily.
Apparently what brought Mr. Trudeau down is that he claimed his diet plan was easy “when it actually called for punishing calorie restrictions and a crippling list of food restrictions.” This coupled with his declaring bankruptcy to avoid paying the $37.6 million fine he was ordered to pay in restitution to his “victims” was enough to get him ten years in prison. His “diet book” was hard so he goes to jail for ten years?
Does this mean Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, should be jailed next time someone wishes for something and doesn’t get it? ?If Mr. Trudeau really is in trouble because his diet plan, “is too hard” then what of the exercise plans, like INSANITY, that, by their very name imply they are too hard to do and require an actual mental illness to complete? Should we imprison Richard Simmons in order to save America?
Is Kevin a con man? Absolutely, I ordered his books for a friend of mine who wanted to read them and I read them before I passed them on. He didn’t make any claim that I had not heard somewhere else. And his big diet scam? Just another rehash of the HCG diet craze that blows up every ten years or so. If we lived in a country where laws mattered and bad people were punished I would almost think it right that this person go to jail for scamming people out of their hard earned money.
Except we no longer live in a world where criminals are punished. Around the same time Kevin was hawking coral calcium and diet books Wachovia, now a part of Wells Fargo, laundered 378.4 BILLION dollars in Mexican drug cartel money. That is an amount equal to one third the gross domestic product of Mexico. Ultimately, as you may know, the bank was fined about $160 million dollars but got to keep billions in fees it had made. No one ever went to jail. It seems reasonable to assume that some people did die of the drugs, or at the hands of the cartel, and the real cost to both the Mexican economy and our own due to the criminal activity of this bank greatly exceeds the damages or crimes committed by a con man wringing $19.99 plus shipping out of people for information they could find online for free.
Kevin Trudeau is in jail today. The men who ran, and run, the companies that poisoned drinking water in Virginia and West Virginia walk free. The bankers who intentionally and knowingly crashed the world economy walk free. The “American Heroes” who tortured people in secret prisons and destroyed videos allegedly showing CIA agents raping children in front of their parents walk free. I am no fan of Mr. Trudeau but if there is no law for the rich and powerful then the law is meaningless and should not be enforced. This kind of decision undermines our society, the social contract that ultimately upholds our laws and, our very identity as a people. Bad decisions letting real criminals go free while punishing those who “annoy” the powerful, as Mr. Trudeau was accused of upsetting an?FTC commissioner, but let’s face it, most of us believe that if he had simply written big checks to either party he probably wouldn’t be in jail right now.
I also just discovered that my Super Lotto ticket is not the winner even though I visualized it to be. I am calling on the FTC to jail anyone and everyone involved with The Secret until I do win the lottery. ?How, in this country, do you jail someone for promoting a BOOK? A book that is basically, just like “The Secret”, copied from other books that have been kicking around for thirty years?
Justice for all or justice for none, that ?is the choice. We are free or we are not.
Free Kevin Trudeau!
Edited/Published by: SB