Since March 24, Senator Ted Cruz’s facebook page asked people to reply to a question: Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? His question pertains to Obamacare and wants to know if people are doing better or worse under the new health care law. Republicans have this notion in their heads that the American public just hates Obamacare so much they will do anything to make it go away. This is why Congress has voted to overturn it 54 times and Republicans are running for office promising to get rid of it.

With 53,704 replies and counting, the comments on Senator Ted Cruz’s facebook yes or no poll are overwhelmingly in the yes column. Many people have also written about their personal stories and how the Affordable Care Act has benefited them.

And here’s more.

Stories about the money being saved, stories about receiving life-saving treatment, stories about how being able to see a doctor meant cancer was found, or people denied because of pre-existing conditions now have health care again.

Of course, not everyone seems happy about Obamacare. Some people still believe it’s the beginning of the end of America. These folks are concerned that people not fighting to maintain their rugged individualism when paying for health care will damage the collective whole of the nation. There’s also some hand wringing that we should see our own health in the same light as car maintenance.

Also, you’re doing healthcare wrong if you sign up for preventative care. You’re only supposed to use health insurance when you’re already half dead. Now that’s real conservative values.

In another comment, someone points out that Senator Cruz and the rest of the Republicans work so hard to remove a health care plan originally designed by Conservatives.

So far, Ted Cruz or whoever on his staff maintains his facebook page hasn’t deleted this post. Thank you.

Finally, one final comment from a fellow Canadian citizen points something out that all Americans need to remember about Ted Cruz, especially if his presidential aspirations pick up steam.

That’s right, as a Canadian citizen, Ted Cruz can get taxpayer-funded universal healthcare any time he wants. All he has to do is go to his nation of birth, Canada, walk into a clinic and his care is free, courtesy of the good people of Canada. Not that he has to do that, because Ted Cruz has taxpayer-funded healthcare for being a United States Senator.

We also now know that over seven million people have signed up Obamacare either through the website or through their own state programs. Those numbers are only going to continue to go up as more people sign on and enjoy the benefits of having affordable health coverage. Yes Senator, America is much better off with Obamacare.