
In the news recently, there have been several cities that have passed laws that take aim at the homeless folks that reside there. Laws that prohibit them from being fed (as if they were animals, not humans), laws about sleeping on the sidewalk, and, now, sleeping in cars.

Yep. In Silicone Valley, the quality of life has been deemed threatened because of the homeless sleeping in cars there. The mentality behind this is that, the more homeless that are there, the more that will come there. Apparently, homeless people attract other homeless people.

How Homelessness Begins.

There is such a horrible stereotype among many people that those that are homeless are such by choice, or that they got themselves into this mess through their own devices.

Yet, for many, this is not true. When the market took a downturn, many people lost their jobs, and had no way to make rent, no way to eat, and no family to lean on. ?Rent is still high and there is still many people unable to find work.

There is also the fact that many of the homeless are mentally ill and need help. They do not need to be on the streets, they need medication, help, counseling, food, and shelter, not these laws that prohibit them from even living.

What These Laws Do.

These laws dehumanize the homeless, as do many of the laws do with the poor.

When you refuse to even offer basic shelter, let alone allow the homeless to camp where they can, or give them food, clothing, something to help them, you make them lesser than animals. You take away their humanity and you tell them that they are worthless because they are no longer productive members of society- whether it was circumstances beyond their control or not.

The Aim Of These Laws.

The aim of these laws is to try and make the homeless disappear. If you can’t see it, it’s not real, so to speak.

Many of these cities’ councils hope that the homeless will go elsewhere or just disappear so that they will not besmirch their beautiful, smog filled cities that have plenty for those deemed worthy, but not even scraps for those who are in circumstances that are dark and where each day is a struggle to even find a safe place to sleep.

These laws aim to cater to those who are rich, and ignore the poor, the homeless by turning a blind eye to their plight.

And, yet..

We’re supposedly a Christian nation.

edited by tw