On Friday, we told you the story of Jordan Blaylock, and 11-year-old child sexual abuse victim who gave birth at the age of 11. This is her happy ending.
She wakes up early on the day that she is supposed to get the best surprise for Mother’s Day- meeting her daughter. She lays in bed, pinching herself to make sure she is awake and that this is not some crazy, lucid dream that she is having. She grins in happiness and a fierce joy shoots through her chest and into her soul for the day that is about to come. She gets up and goes to get ready to meet her daughter, after twelve years of prayers and hope.
Twelve Years Earlier- After The Birth.
She was laying in a hospital bed, and thought on the tiny baby that she held in her arms briefly before getting to the hospital. She doesn’t fully remember all that happened, but she knew that she had to keep her child safe. She sighed, quietly, and one of the nurses caring for her, glanced over. “Have you decided what you are going to do?” She shook her head and replied, “I know that I need to keep her safe. She won’t be if I raise her because I can’t give her what she needs.” The nurse leaned back and asked, “Have you considered adoption?” She tilted her head and said, “Adoption..? But would she immediately go to a loving home and a good family? I want her safe, and loved.” The nurse smiled and replied, “I know a good family who is looking for a child to adopt again. They’ve adopted one little girl and dearly want another.” The girl considered, only briefly, and then nodded. “Yes. I want my daughter safe and I can’t give that to her.”
Present Day.
She takes a breath, listening to her iPod trying to calm her nerves and soothe the butterflies in her stomach. She hums with the music, even as tears of joy slide slowly down her cheeks and she smiles, so happy. She never knew that a person could feel such intense joy- but it made sense after all of the intense pain.
She leans her head back, thinking on the talks that she and her daughter have shared and the full realization hits her that she is going to get to meet the amazing girl that she brought into the world. Another burst of joy fills her, light and love exploding within her until she is glowing. The pain and sorrow is now a distant memory, being wrapped up and put into the dark, being tidily dealt with because of the happiness that has been brought into her world. She thinks back on the adoption papers, filling them out, and she takes a breath, remembering.
Twelve Years Earlier- Signing The Papers.
She stared at the hundreds of pages she is filling out with information and signing.
This can’t be happening. I’m only eleven years old.?
She made herself fill out the papers more and more, adding all of the information requested, working towards making sure that her daughter- a helpless child- is safe.
Finally, she set the pen down and sighed.
She had filled them out- and it was time.
Present Day.
She calls, letting them know that she is close, trying not to choke up with joy now. She feels the fierce, protective love that she felt those years ago, and knows that she did the right thing.
Her daughter’s adoptive dad tells her to go ahead and come into the building and find her daughter- he was in the bathroom and unable to meet her. She climbs out of the vehicle, practically dancing with excitement now, tears forgotten. She takes a breath, grips her purse, and goes into the building, her boyfriend holding her hand in support. She smiles at him before they enter the building together and begin their search.
Twelve Years Earlier- The Judge’s Chambers.
She took her oath that she would tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help her, God, and sat down in the plush chair behind her.
The judge looked at her over her glasses, curiously and with a deep compassion.
“Are you being made to do this?”
“No, ma’am.”
“Are you signing these papers of your own free will?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Why are you doing this?”
She slowly breathed deeply and then answered, “Because I want my daughter safe. I want her protected and I want her cared for. I love her enough to give her up so that she has a chance to have a better life than what I can give her. I am unable to provide for her, as she needs and deserves. I love her but I can’t do what needs to be done for her at this time and she deserves better than that.”
The judge nodded, tears in her own eyes, and pushed the final paper to sign towards the girl.
The girl signed.
Present Day- I Finally Meet Her For The First Time.
I walk in and look around through the clothes’ racks, trying to find my mini me. She’s twelve, but shorter than I am and was at that age, and my boyfriend spots her before I do. I stop for a moment, then take a breath and call out to her.
She turns and smiles at me, a huge, loving, beautiful smile.
My beautiful daughter.
She’s gotten me a Mother’s Day gift, even though herself is more than enough. It’s pink roses, with a necklace and card.
The only person to get me pink roses before now was my dad, may he rest in peace.
I feel like everything has come full circle.
We spend the day laughing, and getting to know each other. She’s so sweet and so smart. I am so proud of her and I am eager to see the woman that she will become.
In that moment, during this day I am certain of one thing-
I did the best thing I could have done twelve years ago.