This week, Pope Francis is at it again!
He has laid into our global economy, calling it idolatrous and evil. He finds the 13.1 percent of unemployment among the world’s young people worrisome and it troubles him greatly.
Throwaway Culture
The Holy Father has attacked our throwaway culture before- not just the United States, but the world’s throwaway culture. And he is right to do so.
In our throwaway culture, we discard things that still have use or can be recycled, we discard people when we feel that they are no longer useful to us, and we throw out food that is still perfectly good, that can be saved, whenever there are millions starving around the world.
Based on this throwaway mentality and culture, Pope Francis feels that a generation could very well be lost to sustain this selfish and greedy economy that has been brought about and that is almost worshiped by many- worshiped so much, in fact, that they are willing to fight for their great love.
Global Economy Near Collapse
“We are excluding an entire generation to sustain a system that is not good.?We discard a whole generation to maintain an economic system that no longer endures, a system that to survive has to make war, as the big empires have always done.?But since we cannot wage the Third World War, we make regional wars. And what does that mean? That we make and sell arms. And with that the balance sheets of the idolatrous economies — the big world economies that sacrifice man at the feet of the idol of money — are obviously cleaned up.?The economy is moved by the ambition of having more and, paradoxically, it feeds a throwaway culture.”?
Pope Francis has made pointed comments about the economy ever since his appointment to the office of Pope earlier this year. Back in April, when Thomas Picketty’s bombshell book on income inequality was released, Pope Francis had this to say:
“Inequality is the root of social evil.”
The Message
He also had this to add concerning it,
“Our world cannot take it anymore. Our global economic system can’t take any more.“?
This economy that is built on consumerism and wants, rather than needs, is one that will seek to devour us all and future generations will pay the price of our actions and choices today.
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