The bill to build the Keystone XL Pipeline has passed the House of Representatives and now sits poised to be voted on by the Senate. Rumors are flying from both sides attempting to fire up their bases either for or against, but what’s the truth and what’s just more political hyperbole?
The Whole Truth
- The Keystone XL will create approximately 42,100 extended jobs during construction and 50 extended jobs after construction.
“The U.S. State Department’s analysis says 3,900 would be employed directly if the job is done in one year, or 1,950 per year if work is spread over two …?There would be additional, ?indirect? work for companies supplying goods and services …?Counting up everything, the State Department estimates a total of 42,100 jobs? could be created.?TransCanada has accepted ?the 42,100 figure for total employment.
Whatever the number, these jobs are temporary, lasting only for the year or two that it would take to complete the project. The number of permanent jobs is much lower. ?The proposed Project would generate approximately 50 jobs during operations,? according to State’s analysis.”
- Processing and using the oil pumped through the pipeline will create 14% – 20% more greenhouse gas emissions than the type?of crude oil currently processed.
“The bitumen is found mixed with sand and clay. Extracting it requires a good deal of energy ? either through open-pit mining from surface deposits or by injecting steam? into deeper, ?in situ? (in place) sites. Refining it into useful fuels also requires more energy ? and hence more emissions ? than lighter forms of petroleum.
However, once it is in the tank, gasoline or diesel fuel that comes from Canadian bitumen is no different than fuel from any other form of petroleum.”?
- Refusing to build the pipeline will not keep America from using bitumen.
“State said Canadian oil will probably end up being produced and burned anyway, even if the Keystone is not built. It said new data and analysis indicate that ‘rail will likely be able to accommodate new production if new pipelines are delayed or not?.’?
- Railroad tank cars are more dangerous than a pipeline.
“Pipelines can be hazardous. An average of?97,376 barrels (4.1 million gallons) of petroleum and other ?hazardous liquids?? have been spilled each year in pipeline incidents over the last decade, according to the Department of Transportation’s Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration …
Rail transport is even more hazardous than pipelines, however. Last July, 47 people died? in a single disaster when an unattended train including 72 tanker cars loaded with crude oil rolled downhill, exploded and burned in?the Canadian town of Lac-M?gantic in Quebec province. Forty buildings were demolished, and an estimated 5.6 million liters (1.5 million gallons) of crude oil spilled? or burned.
And that calamity is by no means an isolated incident.”?
- Building or not building?the pipeline will have little or no impact on US gas prices.
“The State Department’s analysis concluded that either way, the Keystone project would have ?little impact on the prices that U.S. consumers pay ?for refined products such as gasoline.? That’s because Gulf Coast refineries that process heavy crude could continue to get it from Venezuela or the Middle East, as they do now, if they can’t get it from Canada, the report said. And even if the Keystone isn’t built, Canadian crude still ?could reach U.S. and Canadian refineries by rail?.
Other independent experts have said essentially the same thing.”?
So what do you think? Based on the facts above, is the Keystone XL Pipeline in the country’s best interest? Should the Senate pass the bill? Should Obama veto it if they do? Contact your Senator and let them know!
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