Arizona Pastor Claims AIDS Can Be Eliminated By Christmas If All Gays Are Killed

An Arizona pastor has a quick and easy way to eliminate AIDS by Christmas – kill all LGBT people.

On Sunday in Tempe, Arizona, Pastor Steven Anderson?held a sermon entitled “AIDS: The Judgement of God” and suggested the mass extermination of ?LGBT people. Anderson’s sermon was uploaded to YouTube on Monday from Faithful World Baptist Church.

In a two minute video, Anderson manages to condone murder, violence, discrimination, bigotry, and hatred. It sure sounds as if he’s getting his information from a “loving” God. ?In the sermon, Anderson claims, “Turn to Leviticus 20:13, because I’ve actually discovered the cure for AIDS.” He then proceeds to cherry-pick the typical verse used to condemn LGBT people. Watch the segment below:

Anderson then states, “And that, my friend, is the cure for AIDS. It was right there in the bible all along…And they’re out there spending billions of dollars in research and testing. It’s curable….right there.” This ignorant statement comes at a time when many people around the world are trying to shed light on HIV/AIDS and share knowledge by using World AIDS Day as a tool to do so. What a slap in the face to all the people who spend time and effort for?HIV/AIDS awareness.

Anderson also makes another bold statement by stating:

“If you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn’t have all this AIDS running around.”

Why yes, Mr. Anderson – there are?many things the God-inspired Bible recommends. Here are a few examples:

  • The support of slavery (Leviticus 25:44-46,?Exodus 21:20-21,?Ephesians?6:5,?Colossians?4:1,?1 Peter 2:18,?Titus 2:9-10,?Deuteronomy?23:15,?Luke?12:47)
  • Tattoos and piercings is sinful (Leviticus?19:28,?1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
  • Divorce is sinful (Matthew?5:31-32,?Mark 10:2-12,?Luke?16:18,?Matthew?19:8-9)
  • Getting a haircut or cutting your beard ?is sinful (Leviticus?19:27,?Samuel 10:5)
  • Stoning your children to death when they disobey (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
  • Interracial relationships are sinful (Deuteronomy?7:3-4,?Ezra?9:1-2,?Daniel?2:43,?Matthew?25:32, Deuteronomy?22:9-11)
  • Wearing clothing that consists of multiple types of fabric is sinful (Leviticus 19:19,?Deuteronomy?22:11)
  • Wearing jewelry is sinful (Leviticus?19:28,?1 Timothy 2:9,?1 Peter 2:3)
  • Praying in public is sinful (Matthew?6:5-7,?Mark?1:35,?Luke 6-12, Luke?5:16)
  • Eating shrimp or shellfish is sinful (Leviticus?11:9-12)

As we all know, the Bible recommends many things. Taking verses out of context isn’t hard to do. However, that is?not what the Bible is for. The Bible should be used as any other form of media – to gain inspiration, find hope, compassion, and empathy, and learn how to love others more.

Hearing the congregation in the background laugh and Anderson’s statements is disturbing to say the least. This type of sermon leads to fear, hatred, bullying, suicide, and death. Pastors who use their platform to spew hate are using their powerful and harmful words to destroy lives. If Anderson wants to look at statistics, how about looking at the statistics surrounding LGBT people such as homelessness, bullying, suicide, hate crimes, and death? It seems as if someone in history recommended and demanded the extermination of several groups of people…..oh yeah.

Watch Anderson’s sermon in it’s entirety here:


h/t: Raw Story

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Caleb Woods is a Communications and English major. He is a reader, a writer, and an activist for LGBT rights, women’s rights, and the rights of the American people. He has lived in Alabama for his entire life and has experienced first-hand discrimination and bigotry. He hopes to change hearts and minds across the world so that people may show more compassion and empathy for their fellow man and woman. Click here if you'd like to donate money to Caleb's coffee fund.