A California man is in hot water with his wife after pulling what may be the most malicious prank of all time.


On November 30, Roman Atwood, with the help of his two sons, pranked his wife by pretending to throw their toddler over the railing of the stairs in their California two-story home.?It was all caught on video and then posted to Youtube.

Dressed in a Spiderman outfit, he play fights with his toddler as his wife comes home. She comes up to greet them, and Atwood asks her to grab them a cup of water. As she goes downstairs, their older son takes the toddler into another room and hands his dad a dummy dressed in the same Spiderman suit. Asking “Ready to fly boy?” he then launches the dummy over the railing as his wife walks up the stairs. She shrieks and runs downstairs to the silent dummy. She pulls off the Spiderman hood to reveal that it’s a dummy.

As her husband walks up laughing and apologizing, you can hear her exclaim, “I —-ing hate you! Why would you do that?!”

Atwood’s response:

“What do you mean? It’s just for fun.”

She then informs Atwood he is sleeping on the couch (which he deserves).

Apparently, Atwood runs a Youtube channel called “Roman Atwood Pranks.” He has several videos of pranks he pulls; however, I don’t believe anything could be as terrible as pretending to kill a child, much less your own child (accident or not). The video posted three days ago has now been viewed over 9 million times. You can watch the video below.

I love a good prank every now and then. My husband is scared of spiders. It’s hilarious to throw a fake spider on him. Pretending to kill our kid? Not so hilarious. My heart still stopped watching the dummy fly?over the railing, and I knew it was fake.?I’ve informed my husband?just now, via Facebook Messenger (at work), that I will divorce him if he ever pulls this on me. My husband responded back: “WTF? I’d divorce you if you did too.” Glad we’ve got that taken care of.

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lizLiz Lee considers herself an uppity Southern woman?and the only sane person left in the swamps of South Georgia. She has all her teeth and knows how to spell fairly well. She graduated high school and has some college learnin?. She is a wife to a man that ain?t her cousin, mother of one human child, mother to one furry American Bully, and also your typical everyday Wonder Woman. When she hangs up her cape, you can find her curled up in her office sewing while gossiping, writing, playing World of Warcraft, or practicing banjo in hopes of being the greatest at pickin? and a grinnin?. You can follow her on?Facebook?to see what she is up to. She also has a?Twitter?she can’t figure out how to use and is working on a website at this time.


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