Recently the Brazilian Bumbum competition winner, model Indianara Carvalho, announced she would be restoring her virginity with surgery. The controversial procedure is said to restore a woman’s hymen and restore her to a ?virginal tightness?

“The model, who says she wants to use her newly virginal status to find love, had ?vaginal rejuvenation surgery? which includes a hymenoplasty.”

Sharon Osborne also had a similar surgery. She called it the worst of all the plastic surgeries she’s had.

“[The worst was] having my vagina tightened,” she revealed to Norton. “Oh, it was just excruciating.”

vaginal surgery bumbum

Carvalho claims her surgery will somehow restore respectability to the Bumbum competition which is a contest to see who has the best bum in Brazil. No you can’t make something like that up. She also said it would fulfill a personal desire.

“The model claims that by restoring her virginity she will be able to enjoy her ?first time? again with someone special.”

Now the idea of first time with someone special seems nice and all, but isn’t this cheating a bit?

Naturally, this surgery is born of the myth of ?vaginal stretching? and ” looseness”said to occur once a woman has sex. Using this mythical phenomenon woman are often shamed into repressing their sexual desires out of fear of being shamed by a future spouse.

“Many people believe that (1) the virgin vagina is extremely tight, (2) that loss of virginity permanently loosens it, (3) that frequent sex loosens it further (so don’t be promiscuous, girls!), and (4) that childbirth loosens the vagina even more and possibly forever after.”

Of course science explains this is not the case, but often science is ignored in issues such as climate change, genetics, and mental health. Thus, those same segments of the population ignore science and sexuality.

What is worse is the false information about the procedures.

“But in a paper published online in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, researchers called for guidelines in genital cosmetic surgery to be drawn up after finding major gaps in the breadth, accuracy, and quality of the clinical information provided among the first five British and ?American websites which popped up on Google for the procedure.”

Indeed, in researching this article, a web search yielded almost nothing about risks, drawbacks, or any negatives about the procedure.

“Risks were also downplayed, the study says, with 4 of the 10 sites failing to mention exactly what they were.”

In fact, most links to those providing the service often praised is as a way for a woman to be ?pure? once more.

“Another site offered the reparation of the hymen ? which denotes virginity ? as a way of ensuring the patient would bleed on her wedding night and be able to ‘keep her head high.’ “

So I guess having sex is a shameful act, who knew?

The truth is far more problematic though:

“Within six months after delivery, the typical young woman’s vagina feels pretty much how it was before she gave birth.”


“Today, many woman delay childbearing until after 30, and some have children after 40. Combine the rigors of older childbearing with the ?effects of aging on the vaginal muscles, and many women complain of looseness. Women who give birth after around 30 may notice ?persistent looseness after delivering only one child. Individual differences account for the fact that birth?and age?related looseness ?happens to some women and not others.”

It is said age in general is a possible big factor in some women’s complaints about “looseness” The simple ?cure? for this, Kegel muscle exercises. Really, it is that simple. The pathway is a set of muscles yet the myth persists about ?loose? women and promiscuity. One must also keep in mind that to some of those defining promiscuity mean one other partner.

All of this is clearly intended to keep women feeling ashamed of their bodies and expressions thereof. Vaginal Restoration is spoken as if a ?magical cure? for ?past indiscretions? rather than simply accepting people as they are.

Male ego probably plays a huge role as well, I’m sure this is a surgery invented by an insecure male. Still, when you look at Sharron Osborne talk about the pain, does the pain make it worth someone else’s judgmental bias?

Also, the plastic surgery industry thrives on shaming of people about how they look and they are not “good enough.” This fits into a similar category.

This also fits into the classic troupe of ?Women should remain virgins until marriage? that men never have to worry about. Why? Power? Control? Insecurity? I’ve not got the answer to that, but I can say butchering a woman for self esteem shouldn’t be an option. We do it, as a society, all the time. This is just another example.

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Aspiring author and all around jokester in the hills of Appalachia in Kentucky. A life long Democrat and Liberal and lover of all things geeky. Preparing to independently publish the Western/Horror novel and short stories series “Badlands” and other novels and short stories. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and check out his Amazon author page.


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