Okay, holidays are over. And instead of gleefully anticipating Christmas gifts, we’re left in wait of W-2s. But even those who ordinarily remain in glee, anticipating tax refunds, will have to clip their spirit short; the IRS said in December that filings will take longer to process this year (and no, that’s no hoax ? the expected delays are true). So the 80 percent of all workers who ordinarily get at least partial refunds will have nothing else to do but mull over the issue that continues to grow in public awareness, especially during this wait: income inequality.
The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. The middle class dwindles away as the cost of living increases simultaneously with decline in income.
One Liberal America contributor stewed on this subject about this same time last year, and created four series on this subject of income inequality. Their messages still carry the same truths, though, in their cited examples of the clear and wide divide between the 1% havers and the 99% have-nots. These ?Income Inequality? series featured below, originally posted on Rob Groce’s ROBservations, depict the plutocratic plummet our country seems to have taken over the last few decades.
From the first ?Income Inequality? series:

See others from Series 1 here, here, and here.
From the second series:

See the others from Series 2 here and here.
The third ?Income Inequality? series applies some historic comparison to the theme:

See more from Series 3 here and here.
The last ?Income inequality? series came out right before Tax Day of 2014; here are a couple from that one:?

See more from that Tax Day edition here, here, and here.