The former Alaskan reporter, famous for walking off the job after saying “F*ck it I quit,” is in the news again.?Liberal America?covered her memorable resignation last September, and her nationwide notoriety now has the?former Alaskan reporter, Charlo Greene, in the spotlight. Unfortunately, all too often, the spotlight invites the wrath of bigots and those who simply?jump to conclusions.

Greene's last day as an Alaskan reporter for KTVA
Greene’s last day as an Alaskan reporter for KTVA –found under “free to share and use commercially” bing image search


According to?’s “Alaska sources, former KTVA reporter was recently booted from the building she rented for her Alaska Cannabis Club, which reportedly doubled as her?residence. ?The story has garnered?some less than surprising comments over at got news.?For example, one commenter writes:

“Another affirmative action failure.”

And another?boldly states, in the oh so effective all caps technique:


Then we have the comment from a man that calls himself, “Bill Christian”:

“The drugheads bring it on themselves. No sympathy for addicts like her, she knew the consequences.”

Billy Christian’s Disqus avatar reflects his religion with:

“That he gave his only begotten son . . .Jesus.”

These?comments don’t make for a great Jesus advertisement, Mr. Christian.

Greene?prefaced her famous “F*ck it, I quit,” comment with:

“I will be dedicating all my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness, which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska.”

While people may disagree with her tactics, those sound like principles that liberals and conservatives should be able to get behind. My guess is conservatives?would fully support Greene if she had said part of her cause is to protect Alaskan gun rights. At any rate, the legal reason for the eviction was for not providing insurance as the lease apparently required.

Rushing to judgment and a lack of empathy lead to bigoted statements and misguided policies. I’m a long way from Alaska, and certainly don’t know former Alaskan reporter Charlo Greene, but I think the “f*ck it, I quit reporter” is likely standing up for what she believes in a way that most of us don’t have the courage to do. Here’s a brief video of Greene defending herself in court.




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