This topic was originally covered by a former Liberal America writer. It’s been completely rewritten as fresh content, with better sources and videos, for easier reading. Enjoy!
This video tells the whole story.
1. Horus (3100 B.C.)
Horus was one of the many Egyptian Gods.
- He had 12 disciples.
- One was born of a virgin in a cave.
- Like Jesus, his birth was announced via a star.
- And three wise men showed up!
- He was baptized when he was 30 by Anup the Baptizer.
- He rose a guy from the dead and walked on water.
- Lastly, he was crucified, buried like Jesus in a tomb, and resurrected.
2. Buddha (563 B.C.)
- Healed the sick
- Walked on water.
- Fed 500 men from one basket of cakes.
- Taught a lot of the same things Jesus taught, including equality for all.
- He spent three days in jail.
- Was resurrected when he died.
3. Mithra (2000 B.C.)
- Virginal birth on December 25th.
- Swaddled and laid in a manger.
- Tended by shepherds in the manger.
- He had 12 companions (or disciples).
- Performed miracles.
- Gave his own life to save the world.
- Dead for three days, then resurrected.
- Called “the Way, the Truth and the Light.”
- Has his own version of a Eucharistic-style “Lord’s supper.”
4. Krishna (around 3000 B.C.)
- A Hindu God.
- Born after his mom was impregnated by a God.
- Angels, wise men, and shepherds were at his birth.
- Guess what gifts they gave him? Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
- A jealous bad guy ordered the slaughter of all newborns, just as happened with Jesus.
- Baptized in a river.
- Performed miracles, including raising the dead and healing the deaf and blind.
- Rose from the dead to ascend to heaven.
- Is expected to return to earth someday to fight the “Prince of Evil.”
5. Osiris (around 2500 B.C.)
Son of an Egyptian God.
- Killed and the resurrected after three days in hell. WTF? A common theme here!
- Performed miracles
- Had 12 disciples.
- Taught rebirth through water baptism.