One of the least talked about issues regarding racism is interracial relationships. Bigotry towards interracial couples seems to be universal in just about every culture. With that being said, it is still disturbing to see it promoted by blacks toward other blacks who happen to be in love with someone of a different race. I happen to be in a relationship with one amazing woman that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing, and yes, she happens to be white.

Ever since I could remember I had faced criticism from within my race – everything from how I spoke, dressed, carried myself, to the friends I kept. I always felt like I just wasn’t ?black enough? in the eyes of many of my own people. Of course, I was lucky to have positive feedback from many of my black family members and other influential adults that kept me encouraged.
However, even with that positive reinforcement, I still felt like an outsider. After reading and hearing about people from other cultures who seem to have similar experiences growing up, I came to understand that this type of mentality transcends race.
In this video, the racists try to make the argument that black women are basically nicer, subservient, and more civilized in their relationships with white men as opposed to their relationships with black men. This premise is disturbing and wrong on so many levels. To illustrate their ?point,? they feature videos of interracial couples who seem to be happy and in love. Then they show black couples arguing and fighting with the black female being aggressive and hostile toward the black male.
This type of simplistic generalization is so stupid and offensive it doesn’t deserve words. However, I believe in exposing these racists and their stupid messages. Only by bringing this kind of hatred to the forefront of our social consciousness can we begin to address the root of the problem.