I must say that, looking back, I regret not voting for President Obama the first time. I made sure not to repeat that mistake. Despite all of his challenges, his rabid opposition, and all of the unfair expectations heaped upon his shoulders, he always handles himself with class and grace under fire.?When we see a President Obama news conference, we come to expect his cool and calm demeanor. I can only imagine the anger he must feel on a day to day basis and the things he must wish he could say.

Comedians Key and Peele came up with a brilliant idea. They created a sketch on their show which featured one character playing President Obama and the other playing his “anger translator.” The sketch was an immediate hit and it’s one of their most popular series to date. In the sketch it features a normal looking president Obama news conference, but with a twist. He has his trusted “anger translator” to say all the things he really wants to say.
Here is a video of the President Obama news conference at this years white house correspondents dinner. Our president decides to bring out a very special guest to translate his thoughts. Enjoy.