Until 2 p.pm on Monday May 18th, now former Anti Gay Church associate pastor Rev. Matthew Makela had this description on the Michigan based St. John’s Lutheran church and school’s website.
Image from queerty.com.
However the website failed to mention that he also enjoyed the having sex with other men. I guess they must have run out of room on his profile.
Makela has been a long critic and opponent of the LGBT community. Here are a few of words of “loving wisdom” from this very hands-on anti gay church pastor.
?A sexual attraction to the same sex is a sinful temptation to be resisted and overcome by God’s grace and power, just as a temptation to steal or lie or overeat must be resisted and overcome by replacement with working hard, telling the truth and moderation in appetite.?
Makela did “come out” before. However it was against the transgendered community in Michigan.

Keep in mind that Makela is also a married man with five?children. Here he explains to everyone the need to return sanctity and honor to the holy institution of marriage.

These screenshots were obtained by Queerty from a source who asked not to be revealed. The screenshots are from a gay hook-up app called “Grindr.”
These screen shots tell a slightly different story than the Lutheran Church’s website. Here are a few screen shots of his unique evangelizing as well as some interesting pics he was so nice to share with the “lost sheep” he was trying to touch with his special rod.

Makela’s former congregation has been encouraged not to read or watch any coverage of this story. Perhaps they were told if anyone brings up the subject to put their fingers in their ears, close their eyes, and sing “My God Is An Awesome God” as loudly as they can until help arrives. Or maybe that’s just what I do when I’m approached by strangers.
Makela has since resigned as associate pastor of his church. The disgraced anti gay church pastor is just another in a long proud list of hypocrites who railed against homosexuality only to secretly wished to get railed themselves. Here is a short video detailing a few.