Wackobird Wife Of ‘Kill Gays To Cure AIDS’ Pastor: The Duggars Are ‘Liberals’ And Should Be Executed

I didn’t think the story of the Duggar family could possibly get any stranger, any more bizarre, but I was wrong. Man, was I ever wrong!

Image Via ArkTimes

As it turns out, the Duggars–including Josh Duggar, who is now an admitted child molester–are all liberals and deserving of death. Hey, that’s not me saying so, because I actually believe in forgiveness, but it is the view of a well-known right wing pastor’s wife who is surely an expert on the topic of who deserves to live and die.

Remember Stephen J. Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona? He’s the muttonhead who declared in 2014 that he had discovered the cure for AIDS: kill all homosexuals. Only the language he used was a bit more colorful (and despicable):

“And that, my friend, is the cure for AIDS. It was right there in the Bible all along ? and they’re out spending billions of dollars in research and testing. It’s curable ? right there. Because if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn’t have all this AIDS running rampant.”

Well, now we have his wife,?Zsuzsanna Anderson, who is about as bright as her husband, proclaiming that she knows what is going on inside the Duggar household in Arkansas. Here’s what Ms. Anderson posted on her Facebook page:

?When the news of Josh Duggar first hit my Facebook newsfeed on Thursday morning, when only InTouch (not exactly reputable) was covering it and there was talk of one victim and few details, I told my husband three things. This is not the end of it, and the rest will all hit the fan before the day is up. The show will be discontinued, (and) people will be asking us for our take on this.?

What might this font of wisdom’s take be on the situation with the Duggars? Hold on to your hat for what you’re about to read:

?We have for years held and publicly stated that the Duggars are liberal and worldly, even as they are known for being. Maybe their beliefs are, but what they are publicly willing to take a stand for is weak and anemic.?

If the Duggars are liberals, then I guess that would make me Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels all rolled into one.

This half-witted, holier-than-thou maniac then goes on to say:

?It is ridiculous of all these Christian blogs to go on and on about how we are all sinners, we all need grace and forgiveness, etc. Yes, that is all true ? but we are not all pedophiles. That is an unnatural desire, only experienced by a reprobate. Even the world, which is happy to excuse most sins and licentious living, is still horrified by child abuse. No, forgiving a pedophile is not a great picture of what the gospel is all about. They have crossed a line where not even God is willing to forgive ? why should we??

Yessiree, that’s some good old Christian forgiveness being meted out there, isn’t it? I’m not going to defend those who abuse children, but I do believe the Bible teaches that no one is beyond repentance or forgiveness. Maybe I’ve been reading the wrong book all these years.

For the coup de grace of her angry posting, Anderson finishes with this bit of hateful wishing:

?Maybe, just maybe, God was right all along. If we would execute these molesters and pedophiles, they would not have infiltrated society. And maybe if Christians read their Bibles and believed it cover to cover, they would not be playing into the agenda of NAMBLA and others by spouting off the same disgusting nonsense that there is a pedophile lurking in all of us.?

You know, I didn’t think it possible for someone to make me feel sympathy for the Duggars, but this batshit crazy woman is sure pushing me in that direction.