News sites such as Fox News have called out the supreme court for ruining religion and creating “culture wars” when upholding gay marriage.

Courtesy of TXValue
Courtesy of TXValue

And in a recent article written by Cal Thomas on Fox News, Thomas said?

“The ‘culture wars,’ while well-intentioned, were a mistake from the beginning.”

Thomas is really saying that even despite it being the 21st century, his evangelical Christians are so sheltered that they won’t abide by constitutional law. And the so called “culture wars” is just an easier way to spite the idea of real equality. Thomas also said

“Given the number of politicians who seem to have difficulty imposing a moral code of any sort on themselves, such a strategy was doomed from the start. Why didn’t they learn from previous ‘moral improvement’ movements that if one wants to change culture, one must first change individuals?”

He is referring to the number of Conservative politicians that didn’t uphold the prehistoric views of one man and one woman. ? Thomas also went deep for a verse

?The Apostle Peter pleaded with the church, ?Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.? Those who have resisted the acceptance of sin have done well in living out Peter’s admonition, but acceptance of our standing as outsiders remains a point of struggle.

Thomas then eluded

?We cannot change a fallen world”

Thomas assumes that since the supreme court redefined marriage that the world is no fallen, a?view that couldn’t be more wrong. I am surprised Thomas didn’t suggest everyone go to?Christian counseling? so that they could be indoctrinated into a regressive belief culture. But as many say, Cal Thomas can have his opinions and fox news can continue to post his sheltered views and writing. But it cannot take away from the fact that those that are like him are so far lost in their own world that they cannot allow equality to blossom and for change to happen. I realize that we can have our opinions but when it’s sheltered and vain, it’s ignorance.


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