Have you ever dreamed that you were in a casino and every game you played, didn’t matter if it was blackjack, the roulette table, slots, poker whatever, you would always win. You cashed a caravan of chips and coins, just before you woke up.

This must be what it feels like to be a journalist interviewing or even just covering a Donald Trump event. If Trump laid gold eggs at the same volume in which he makes stupid statements, I’m convinced he would drive gold prices down worldwide overnight.

The New York Times obtained an advanced copy of a biography about Donald Trump, written by former Newsday reporter Michael D’Antonio. In the book Trump talks about his deferment during the Vietnam War. From the Times article,

“Donald J. Trump, who received draft deferments through much of the Vietnam War, told the author of a forthcoming biography that he nevertheless ‘always felt that I was in the military’ because of his education at a military-themed boarding school.

Mr. Trump said that his experience at the New York Military Academy, an expensive prep school where his parents had sent him to correct poor behavior, gave him ‘more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.’

Despite sitting out Vietnam because of deferments followed by a high draft lottery number of 356 out of 366, Mr. Trump said that he endured the rigors of real military life.

‘My number was so incredible and it was a very high draft number. Anyway so I never had to do that, but I felt that I was in the military in the true sense because I dealt with those people,’ he told Mr. D’Antonio.

The author seemed taken aback by this claim. Not many of the academy’s alumni ‘would compare military school with actual military service,’ he wrote. ‘But the assertion was consistent with the self-image Trump often expressed.’

During an interview for the book, Mr. Trump removed a shoe to show the author the cause of his medical deferment. ‘Heel spurs,’ he said. ‘On both feet.'”

Heel spurs on both feet! And yet he still manages to walk to his Limo and private jet unassisted! Take that you whiny liberal naysayers!

“The Donald” doesn’t need to have served in the military because he went to prep school and as we all know, prep school and Vietnam were pretty much the same thing back in those days. Just imagine all the prep school wounds he endured while there? Old cricket and water polo injuries. Maybe even tennis elbow!

Donald Trump is a true American hero whom we should fall to our knees and thank for even considering taking the thankless job of leading America back to greatness! I don’t know about you, but I’m sold.

I wish the election were tomorrow, 2016 is just to long to wait…Trump may ascend into the sky in order help God run Heaven before then!

prep school
Incredibly bad photoshop

Here’s a video from The Young Turks explaining exactly why Trump was sent to Prep School.



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