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Ah, Rupert. You take to social media and prove who you really are, don’t you?

Yes, 20th Century Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch is getting his head handed to him again for this tweet he posted:

Hmm…only the proven Christians, huh? So what’s to keep all the refugees from claiming to be Christian? And could Murdoch pass his own litmus test? Seems unlikely when you consider his posting, doesn’t it?

But allow me to step aside and show you what fellow Twitter users said in response to Rupert:

Others wondered how you would test to prove one’s Christianity:

Let us not forget that Rupert Murdoch was born in Australia. Didn’t the British once send many of their prisoners to Australia to get them off the European continent and as far away as possible? Can Murdoch prove that he is not related to a former Australian prisoner? Can he show us papers that say he is not a threat to our way of life?

And can he possibly understand these words from Christ himself? I wonder:

“For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in.” (Matthew 25:35)

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