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Talat Hamadi lost her son on September 11, 2001, and she has a powerful message for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump: Get the hell out of America.

In direct response to recent comments made by Trump regarding Muslims and Syrian refugees, Hamadi told MSNBC:

“You know, he himself came, his grandparents, came from Germany, Donald Trump’s.  So, maybe it’s time for him to go back to Germany and advocate his pro-Nazi policies over there.”

Just last week, Trump began saying things such as how a database was needed in the United States to keep track of all those who practice Islam in America. And this week Trump has not only doubled down on those offensive remarks–which harken back to what the Nazis did to Jews–but also began circulating another calculated lie: That on 9/11 thousands of Muslim-Americans in New Jersey celebrated the attacks.

Talat Hamadi’s son Mohammad Salman was a first responder on September 11, and he was also a proud Muslim-American. Hamadi said she thinks any candidate who tries to stir up hatred against Muslims doesn’t deserve to be elected:

“If you are running for a presidential position, you are taking an oath to defend the Constitution. But here you are, you will violate the Constitution. So you don’t deserve, you’re not eligible to be a president of any country.”

What Trump is doing right now is reminiscent of some very dark days in American history. It reminds us of the reputations, careers, and lives which were destroyed during the 1950s when Senator Joseph McCarthy accused those he disagreed with of being Communists. It also reeks of the racism and hatred that was espoused by former Alabama Governor George Wallace. And, as Ms. Hamadi has noted, it also has the same acrid and destructive odor as what Hitler and his minions stirred up in Germany.

Donald Trump is a cancer on the body politic. I for one will make it my personal mission to call him out on a regular basis for his lies, his fear mongering, and his grab for power at the expense of what is truly best for this country.

You have been placed on notice, Mr. Trump. And from this day forward millions of Americans are sending you a very clear message: No more, and never again!

Featured image by Flickr, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.


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