Planned Parenthood Clinic Shooter Declares His Guilt

There have been a number of deniers regarding the motive behind the shooting at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs last month. Despite the fact that Chase Bank denied any involvement in the shooting, many still cling to the belief that it was a shootout that started in the bank parking lot.

While many of these individuals want to continue denying the real motive behind the shooting at the Planned Parenthood clinic, the accused shooter is doing all he can to set them straight.

While at a pre-trial hearing today, Robert. L. Dear Jr. shouted, “I’m guilty. There’s no trial. I’m a warrior for the babies.

There were 16 total outbursts from Dear, including where he told the court that they would not believe the atrocities he had seen in the clinic. Dear also yelled at the court to, “[l]et it all come out. The truth!

When the judge was discussing an order concerning pretrial publicity, Dear further added to his diatribe, “Could you add the babies that were supposed to be aborted that day? Could you add that to the list?”

No matter how someone wants to twist those statements, it is very clear that the constant and hateful rhetoric perpetuated by conservatives against Planned Parenthood led to this attack. Each Planned Parenthood clinic around the country already deals with security threats from those who oppose abortion. However, the continuous and vile accusations from a doctored video tape, and the politicians who believe it, have far reaching effects.

While it seems fairly obvious that Dear is suffering from mental instability, that does not excuse those who are in full control of their faculties from the hateful comments they have spewed. Politicians who seek to target Planned Parenthood for political gain have the attack of this Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Clinic on their hands.

Featured image via WikiCommons. This image is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.