Bernie Sanders Would Not Be the First Socialist President

Socialist is a term used by many on the right to insult liberals. This is often because they mistakenly confuse socialism and communism, explaining why many denounce socialist nations, while happily taking part in socialist programs. Bernie Sanders has never shied away from referring to himself as a Democratic Socialist. Sanders is somewhat unique in how openly he proclaims his socialist beliefs, but he is not the first notable politician to do so. In fact, as his support continues to grow, more are comparing Sanders to a popular historical figure. The 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The First Socialist President
Image via Library of Congress

A Similar Situation

It is important to realize that FDR took office at a time when a similar situation was taking place in the economy as it is today. A massive economic crisis, one that many blame on the government just as they did the 2008 recession, was in full swing. Wealth inequality was at record levels and people were frustrated with the political system. The middle class was disappearing quickly, as the poor were literally starving across the country. Their misery was aided by natural disasters like the Midwest droughts and dust storms that only added to the massive financial crises caused by the stock market crash on October 29th, 1929. The Great Depression was in full swing when FDR took the oath of office in 1933. Within his first 100 days he immediately began enacting programs to help repair the situation. The National Recovery Act allowed workers to unionize, government work programs were established to help people find jobs, and bills were enacted to save homes from foreclosure and to regulate the banking industry.

Socialist Programs Established

Were the New Deal programs an immediate success that everyone appreciated and supported? Absolutely not. FDR was labeled a radical socialist and a communist. Some of the socialist programs established by FDR were the Federal Housing Administration, the Social Security Administration and the Tennessee Valley Authority. This company is still operational today, and is the largest electricity provider in the country.

An Advocate in Washington

Enter Bernie Sanders. He is not the first to notice the reality of how the middle class has shrunk and the wealthy are amassing enormous gains. He is certainly, however, the one to announce it the loudest and the most often. This is part of his allure to his supporters, many of which are simply relieved to have an advocate in Washington that understands what they are experiencing. His goal is to put restrictions on Wall Street, raise the minimum wage and give everyone the opportunity of a free education. As his own website states, “The issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time…” Bernie Sanders is not just spouting political slogans and repeating what the polls say people want to hear. He is sticking to the same beliefs he has had since he began his political career in 1981 as Mayor of Burlington, Vermont, clearly speaking his beliefs in 1989 in a C-Span interview.

When FDR began his bid for President, the American people were tired of politics as usual. They wanted someone who was unafraid of Wall Street executives, corporate giants and the banking industry. They needed someone who realized they were suffering from the inequity in the country, and were unable to compete in a world where everything was stacked against them. So, those who believe that a candidate like Bernie Sanders would never be elected to the White House, should be reminded that the American people did not only already elect someone just like him, but they still consistently rank him as one of the greatest presidents in American history.

Trish Bessey was born, raised and still resides in warm and sunny central Maine. She is first and foremost a stubborn wife and overbearing mother, currently raising two strong-willed little Democrats. As a freelance writer she spends her days writing anything that will amuse and amaze, or at least help to pay the bills. She can be found on Facebook and LinkedIn.