If you’ve ever loved the art of social media mockery — particularly when aimed at a group of idiots just begging to be mocked — you NEED to click this link. But just in case that’s not enough to convince you, let me allow some of the authors of the brilliant #BundyEroticFanfiction on Twitter to do the talking:

How Did This Happen?
You can thank The Decembrist’s lead singer, Colin Meloy, who Tweeted this first, seemingly innocuous line at 5:16 PM January 5th:

It took until 5:55 PM for the first of Colin’s 1.5 million followers to join in the fun:

A few of the entries aren’t appropriate to be published on a mildly-reputable news site, but mostly the crowd stuck to poking straight-faced fun at the #Hezbubba domestic terrorists. If there’s one thing that social media has done for our country, it’s allowed us to very rapidly and decisively decide what is worthy of our scorn and mockery — and these #YawlQaeda sumbitches are precisely that.

Let me leave you with just a couple more of these brilliant tweets:

And my personal favorite…

Thank you, Colin Meloy. Thank you, all y’all on Twitter. This is what the Internet is for.

(Featured image courtesy of Tim Evanson via Flickr, shared via a Creative Commons 2.0 license.)


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