Bernie Burns Up Google, Beats Up Trump

NBC analyst Chuck Todd couldn’t believe his eyes when the results came in.  According to Google Trends, during the Democratic Party Debate Sunday January 17th Bernie Sanders was the top Google search term, beating Hillary Clinton in all fifty states. When shown the map, Todd replied

I can’t get over your map.  Bernie Sanders was purple and the whole country was purple.  That says a lot right there.

As the video shows, Sander’s attacks on Goldman Sachs and Wall Street banks also drove Google search trends all night. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed over health care costs, gun control and the NRA, and the power of Wall Street in American politics.

Sander’s good day continued as a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showed Sanders trumping Donald Trump by a 15 point lead, 54 percent to 39 percent.  The poll showed other good news for Democrats as Hillary Clinton also outperformed Donald Trump by 10 points, 51 percent to 41 percent.

Hillary Clinton still maintains a 25 percent lead over Bernie Sanders among Democratic Party primary voters in national polls.  However, there are signs that the Bernie Sander’s campaign has momentum and is gaining ground in Iowa and even leading in New Hampshire.

In other good news for the Democratic Party, polls show that the party’s primary voters would be happy to vote for either candidate in the general election.  While the media, especially Fox News, continues to focus on the hateful rhetoric of Donald Trump, the American public seems to be focusing on the positive campaigns of Sanders and Clinton.

Featured Image by Raw Story available under a Creative Commons license.

Frank Casale is writer, academic, and investigator of all things odd.