A Facebook hoax claiming a Detroit woman gave birth to 14 kids from 14 different men, has caused Karena Bennet, 21, a lot of hurt. In January 2015, Bennet delivered her first and only child who was also happened to be the first baby of the year born in Milford, Connecticut. An honorable mention and accompanying picture of mommy and baby made her day.

Facebook Hoax Goes Viral

Last week someone trying to be funny stole the picture and posted it with a terribly misleading caption. The deceiving prank has totally disrupted Bennet’s world. A gag, and mean spirited prank, is a Facebook hoax that has gone viral. The hoax post pictured Bennet as a Detroit mother with a new entry into the Guinness Book of World Records. It names her as mom to 14 kids, by 14 different fathers.

Bennet’s grandmother, Pauline Rindos spoke with the Detroit Free Press today saying,

     “This is disgusting what’s going on!,”  “Are you kidding me? Since 10 o’clock the other morning this girl has                been through the ceiling. I’m 80 years old, and I’m taking it, too.”

Those Who Know Bennet Knew It Was A Lie

Rindos shared that her granddaughter discovered the hoax after signing in to her Facebook account last Thursday. The fake article was posted on her page. She called her mom and grandmother right away. Of course the family was livid. Those who know Bennet knew the story was fake.  But thousands of people didn’t know Bennet and continued to circulate the story.

Wrong Picture Accompanied Story In Infamous Tribune

Infamous Tribune website published the article first. It named 36-year-old  “Anita Sullivan” a woman who allegedly gave birth at Harper Hospital in Detroit, to baby number 14–from a 14th father. The article ran with a picture of the “new” Detroit parents. Actually the picture was of Bennet and her baby’s father, Elder Marroquin, and their newborn son. The family had been featured in a write up in the  Milford Mirror.  The couple live and work in Connecticut and are both employed by the same restaurant where she waitresses and he’s a cook.

Proof Again, That People Believe Everything On The Internet

Over 6,000 comments have been posted over the hoax. Hurtful, disparaging remarks from people who love a good story whether it’s based in truth or lies, continue to add to the conundrum.  Rindos is appalled at most of the comments that label the mother as lazy, promiscuous, with some suggesting she should be “shot.”

Grandma Not Amused With Prank

Rindos, helps look after her great-grandson while his parents work. According to the Free Press, she was babysitting during the phone interview. She says, her granddaughter can’t afford an attorney and doesn’t know if she has any legal standing. Someone clearly thought they were being funny while garnering clicks–on a falsehood that has caused a first time mom unbearable pain.  Bennet was unavailable for comment because she was at work.


Featured Image: Not Allowed To.com 






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